­Online papers (Click here for thesis and surveys).

Papers are sorted by conference year. Please write to me if you think that some versions are not updated.

[Full Version (pdf) (16/12/2024)], [Powerpoint Presentation].

[Full Version (pdf) (8/2/2025)], [Powerpoint Presentation].

[Full Version (pdf) (13/11/2023)].

[Full Version (pdf) (6/10/2024)].

[Full Version (pdf) (23/8/2022)].

[Full Version (pdf) (20/11/2023)], [Powerpoint Presentation], [Video (ITCS 2022)].

[Full Version (pdf) (5/11/2020)], [Powerpoint Presentation]. [Video (Jad’s talk, STOC 2021)].

[Full Version (pdf) (9/9/2020)], [Video (Nithin’s talk, ITCS 2021)].

[Full Version (pdf) (22/12/2022)], [Powerpoint Presentation], [Video (RANDOM 2020)].

[Full Version (pdf) (13/11/2019)], [Powerpoint Presentation], [Video (Jad’s talk, STOC 2019)].

[Full Version (pdf)].

[Full Version (pdf) (05/4/2018)], [Powerpoint Presentation], [Video (Bertinoro)].

[Full Version (pdf) (3/8/2018)], [Powerpoint Presentation], [Video (FOCS 2018)].

[Full Version (pdf) (17/5/2019)], [Powerpoint Presentation]. 

[Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full Version (pdf) (15/3/2016)], [Video for Avi's Birthday], [Video (Simons)].

[Proceedings version (pdf)].

[Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (pdf) (19/4/2015)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Full version (pdf) (25/6/2014)]

[Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (pdf) (19/4/2015)]. [Powerpoint presentation].

[Full version (pdf) (10/6/2012)], [Powerpoint presentation].

·        On beating the hybrid argument.

[Full version (pdf) (23/2/2012)].

[Proceedings version], [Full version (3/10/2011)], [Powerpoint Presentation].

[Full version (pdf) (28/2/2012)]. [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (pdf) (3/2/2011)], [powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (pdf) (16/8/2010)], [powerpoint presentation].

[Full version (pdf)].

[Proceedings version (pdf)][Full version (pdf) (7/3/2010)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (pdf)].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (pdf)].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (ps) (21/9/2008)], [Full version (pdf) (21/9/2008)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (ps) (25/5/2008)], [Full version (pdf) (25/5/2008)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps) (27/5/2008)], [Full version (pdf) (27/5/2008)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (ps) (22/8/2008)], [Full version (pdf) (22/8/2008)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (pdf) (27/5/2008)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps) (7/8/2007)], [Full version (pdf)].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Proceedings version (pdf)], [Full version (ps) (20/5/2009)], [Full version (pdf) (20/5/2009)], [Powerpoint presentation].

Winner of best paper award CCC 2005.

[Proceedings version (ps)],[Full version (ps) (19/10/06)], [Full version (pdf)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps) (18/8/05)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps) (15/1/09)], [Full version (pdf) (15/1/09)].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps) (19/10/06)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)].

[Full version (pdf)]. (See erratum note in abstract).

[Proceedings version (ps)].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version], [Full version (ps)].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps)], [Powerpoint presentation].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps)], [Full version (pdf)].

[Proceedings version (ps)], [Full version (ps) (9/10/05)].

This is a full version that appends the two conference papers below.

[Full version (ps) (23/4/06)].

[Proceedings version (ps)].

[Proceedings version (ps)].


Thesis and Surveys

      [Full version (pdf)], [Powerpoint presentation]

This is a survey article on recent work that studies relaxed notions of derandomization in which the detereminitsic simulation of a randomized algorithm is allowed to err on some inputs.

[Full version (pdf)].

This is a survey paper I wrote on randomness extractors and focuses on recent explicit constructions.

[Full version (ps)], [PowerPoint presentation (initially given at IAS workshop on expanders 2006)]

Appeared as a chapter in the book:

Current trends in theoretical computer science.
The Challenge of the New Century.
Vol 1: Algorithms and Complexity 
Edited by G Paun (Romanian Academy, Romania & Rovira I Virgili University, Spain), G Rozenberg (University of Leiden, The Netherlands & University of Colorado, USA) & A Salomaa (Turku Centre for Computer Science, Finland)

A preliminary version appeared in Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 77, June 2002, pages 67-95. 

[Full version (ps)].

This is a manuscript I wrote based on a course by Avi Wigderson in the Hebrew University 1998. It is somewhat outdated. However, the presentation level is suitable for students who are just starting. Over the years some people found it helpful. Use at your own risk! Note that as this is the first latex document I wrote it is somewhat rough and does not contain a bibliography.

[Full version (ps)].