Dan Gordon - Publications

For citation data, see my profile on Google Scholar.

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Dan Gordon.
Conjugate gradients acceleration of coordinate descent for linear systems .
J. of Scientific Computing 96:86, Aug. 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10915-023-02307-1.
Link to the C program for the experiments: https://cs.haifa.ac.il/~gordon/cgcd.c

Eli Turkel, Rachel Gordon and Dan Gordon.
Local absorbing boundary conditions for the elastic wave equation .
Wave Motion 118, Apr. 2023, #103109.

Rachel Gordon, Eli Turkel and Dan Gordon.
A compact three-dimensional fourth order scheme for elasticity using the first-order formulation.
International J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122:21, Nov. 2021, 6341-6360. DOI: 10.1002/NME.6794.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
CADD: a seamless solution to the Domain Decomposition problem of subdomain boundaries and cross-points.
Wave Motion 98, Nov. 2020, #102649.

Dan Gordon, Rachel Gordon and Eli Turkel.
Method and apparatus for constructing and using absorbing boundary conditions in numerical computations of physical applications.
US patent no. 10489527, Nov. 26, 2019.
This method is based on the paper "Compact high order schemes..." which
is listed below. The patent expired in Nov. 2023 and it can be used freely.

Dan Gordon.
The Cimmino-Kaczmarz equivalence and related results.
Applied Analysis & Optimization 2:2, 2018, 253-270.

Dan Gordon.
A derandomization approach to recovering bandlimited signals across a wide range of random sampling rates.
Numerical Algorithms 77:4, 2018, 1141-1157.
DOI: 10.1007/s11075-017-0356-3.

Dan Gordon, Rachel Gordon and Eli Turkel.
Compact high order schemes with gradient-direction derivatives for absorbing boundary conditions.
J. of Computational Physics 297, Sept. 2015, 295-315.

Dan Gordon.
The well-connected processor array.
IEEE Trans. on Computers 63:5, May 2014, 1287-1295.

Eli Turkel, Dan Gordon, Rachel Gordon and Semyon Tsynkov.
Compact 2D and 3D sixth order schemes for the Helmholtz equation with variable wave number.
J. of Computational Physics 232:1, Jan. 2013, 272-287.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
Robust and highly scalable parallel solution of the Helmholtz equation with large wave numbers.
J. of Computational & Applied Mathematics 237:1, Jan. 2013, 182-196.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
Parallel solution of high frequency Helmholtz equations using high order finite difference schemes.
Applied Mathematics & Computation 218:21, July 2012, 10737-10754.

Tristan van Leeuwen, Dan Gordon, Rachel Gordon and Felix J. Herrmann.
Preconditioning the Helmholtz equation via row projections.
Proc. 74th EAGE Conf., Copenhagen, Denmark, June 4-7, 2012.

Charles Byrne, Dan Gordon and Daniel Heilper.
Models for biomedical image reconstruction based on integral approximation methods.
Proc. IEEE International Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2012), Barcelona, Spain, May 2-5, 2012.

Dan Gordon.
Corner cutting with trapezoidal augmentation for area-preserving smoothing of polygons and polylines. See also the online supplement.
Computer-Aided Design 43:8, Aug. 2011, 948-956.

Dan Gordon.
Corner cutting and augmentation: an area-preserving method for smoothing polygons and polylines.
Computer Aided Geometric Design 27:7, Oct. 2010, 551-562.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
Row scaling as a preconditioner for some nonsymmetric linear systems with discontinuous coefficients.
J. of Computational & Applied Mathematics, 234:12, Oct. 2010, 3480-3495.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
CARP-CG: a robust and efficient parallel solver for linear systems, applied to strongly convection dominated PDEs.
Parallel Computing 36:9, Sept. 2010, 495-515.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
Solution methods for nonsymmetric linear systems with large off-diagonal elements and discontinuous coefficients.
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 53:1, Nov. 2009, 23-45.

Itay Cohen and Dan Gordon.
VS: A surface-based system for topological analysis, quantization and visualization of voxel data.
Medical Image Analysis 13:2, Apr. 2009, 245-256.

Nir Goldschmidt and Dan Gordon.
The BOXEL framework for 2.5D data with applications to virtual drivethroughs and ray tracing.
Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications 41:3, Nov. 2008, 167-187.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
CGMN revisited: robust and efficient solution of stiff linear systems derived from elliptic partial differential equations.
(Preprint with color figures.)
ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software 35:3, Oct. 2008, pages 18:1-18:27.

Jose-Jesus Fernandez, Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
Efficient parallel implementation of iterative reconstruction algorithms for electron tomography.
J. of Parallel & Distributed Computing 68:5, May 2008, 626-640.

Dan Gordon and Rawia Mansour.
A geometric approach to quadratic optimization: an improved method for solving strongly underdetermined systems in CT.
Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering 15:8, Dec. 2007, 811-826.

Dan Gordon.
Parallel ART for image reconstruction in CT using processor arrays.
International J. of Parallel, Emergent & Distributed Systems 21:5, Oct. 2006, 365-380.

Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
Component-averaged row projections: A robust, block-parallel scheme for sparse linear systems.
SIAM J. on Scientific Computing 27, 2005, 1092-1117.

Ronen Lev, Gershon Elber and Dan Gordon.
SWAPART: synthetic object creation by part substitution.
Proc. 5th Korea-Israel Conf. on Geometric Modeling & Computer Graphics, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 10-12, 2004, 103-107.

Dan Gordon.
The floating column algorithm for shaded, parallel display of function surfaces without patches.
IEEE Trans. on Visualization & Computer Graphics 8:1, Jan.-Mar. 2002, 75-91.

Ella Barkan and Dan Gordon.
CP3: robust, output-sensitive display of convex polyhedra in scanline mode.
Computer Graphics Forum 20, 2001, 257-269.

Yair Censor, Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
BICAV: a block-iterative parallel algorithm for sparse systems with pixel-related weighting.
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging 20, 2001, 1050-1060.

Yair Censor, Dan Gordon and Rachel Gordon.
Component averaging: an efficient iterative parallel algorithm for large and sparse unstructured problems.
Parallel Computing 27, 2001, 777-808.

Ella Barkan and Dan Gordon.
The scanline principle: efficient conversion of display algorithms into scanline mode.
The Visual Computer 15, 1999, 249-264.

Jon Genetti, Dan Gordon and Glen Williams.
Adaptive supersampling in object space using pyramidal rays.
Computer Graphics Forum 17, 1998, 29-54.
The images in this paper are best viewed here: ASOS.html or asos1.pdf.

Yosi Ben-Asher, Dan Gordon and Assaf Schuster.
Efficient self-simulation algorithms for reconfigurable arrays.
J. of Parallel & Distributed Computing 30, 1995, 1-22.

Dan Gordon, Michael A. Peterson and R. Anthony Reynolds.
Fast polygon scan conversion with medical applications.
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 14, 1994, 20-27.

Dan Gordon and Shuhong Chen.
Front-to-back display of BSP trees.
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 11, 1991, 79-85.

Dan Gordon and Jayaram K. Udupa.
Fast surface tracking in three-dimensional binary images.
Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing 45:2, Feb. 1989, 196-214.
Reprinted in Computer Vision: Advances & Applications, R. Kasturi and R.C. Jain, editors, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991, 581-599.

R. Anthony Reynolds, Dan Gordon and Lih-Shyang Chen.
A dynamic screen technique for shaded graphics display of slice-represented objects.
Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing 38:3, June 1987, 275-298.

Dan Gordon.
Efficient embeddings of binary trees in VLSI arrays.
IEEE Trans. on Computers C-36:9, Sept. 1987, 1009-1018.
Reprinted in VLSI Algorithms & Architectures: Advanced Concepts, N. Ranganathan, editor, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993, 42-51.

Dan Gordon, Israel Koren and Gabriel M. Silberman.
Restructuring hexagonal arrays of processors in the presence of faults.
J. of VLSI & Computer Systems 2, 1987, 23-35.

Dan Gordon.
On the computational power of totalistic cellular automata.
Mathematical Systems Theory 20, 1987, 43-52.

Dan Gordon.
Eliminating the flag in threaded binary search trees.
Information Processing Letters 23:4, Nov. 1986, 209-214.

Dan Gordon and R. Anthony Reynolds.
Image-space shading of 3-dimensional objects.
Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing 29:3, Mar. 1985, 361-376.
Reprinted in Volume Visualization, A. Kaufman, editor, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991, 185-200.

Gideon Frieder, Dan Gordon and R. Anthony Reynolds.
Back-to-front display of voxel-based objects.
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 5:1, Jan. 1985, 52-60.

Gabor T. Herman, Yair Censor, Dan Gordon and Robert M. Lewitt.
Comment (on: "A statistical model for positron emission tomography" by Vardi, Shepp and Kaufman).
J. Amer. Statistical Assoc. (Applications) 80, 1985, 22-25.

Dan Gordon, Israel Koren and Gabriel M. Silberman.
Embedding tree structures in VLSI hexagonal arrays.
IEEE Trans. on Computers C-33, 1984, 104-107.

Stanley Waterman and Dan Gordon.
A quantitative-comparative approach to analysis of distortion in mental maps.
The Professional Geographer 36:3, 1984, 326-337.

Yair Censor, Paul P.B. Eggermont and Dan Gordon.
Strong underrelaxation in Kacmarz's method for inconsistent systems.
Numerische Mathematik 41:1, Feb. 1983, 83-92.

Dan Gordon and Eliahu Shamir.
Computation of recursive functionals using minimal initial segments.
Theoretical Computer Science 23:3, May 1983, 305-315.

Dan Gordon, Aharon Kellerman and Stanley Waterman.
On the computation of the cross of dispersion.
The Cartographic Journal 19, 1982, 133-134.

Dan Gordon.
Minimal determining sets of locally finitely determined functionals.
Discrete Mathematics 29:2, 1980, 179-190.

Dan Gordon.
Complexity classes of provable recursive functions.
J. of Computer & System Sciences 18:3, June 1979, 294-303.

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Page source: http://cs.haifa.ac.il/~gordon/pub.html

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