All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


aa. Variable in class XYZSet
action(Event, Object). Method in class ButtonBar
Overrides the default action() method to process button events.
action(Event, Object). Method in class F
Processes the color space selector button click event and activates the selected color space frame.
action(Event, Object). Method in class PlaneMatchAndStart
Overrides the default action() method to process start-again button clicks.
amax. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Bounding box for the slice
amin. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Bounding box for the slice
arr. Variable in class ChromaCanvas
array of computed pixels.


B. Variable in class Diagram
B. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
b. Variable in class XYZSet
bar. Variable in class Slider
scrollbar that does most of the work
bb. Variable in class XYZSet
between(Point, Point). Method in class HSVhexcone
Returns a point that lies on the line between p1 and p2, at the distance |p1-p2| * value from p1.
bf. Variable in class XYZSet
blue. Variable in class RGBCoord
RGB space coordinates (0...255)
bmax. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Bounding box for the slice
bmin. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Bounding box for the slice
butSTART. Variable in class Game
buttonBar. Variable in class Game
color space selector
ButtonBar(Game). Constructor for class ButtonBar
Constructs the button bar.
buttons. Variable in class F
Color space selector buttons
buttons. Variable in class Game
array of buttons
Bx. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Blue vertex.
By. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Blue vertex.


C. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
CanvasDB(). Constructor for class CanvasDB
chroma. Variable in class ImgTest
Canvas that holds the chromaticity diagram.
ChromaCanvas(ImgTest). Constructor for class ChromaCanvas
Constructs a Canvas that holds the chromaticity diagram.
ChromaticityData(). Constructor for class ChromaticityData
Constructs the chromaticity coordinates of spectral stimuli.
clone(). Method in class RGBCoord
Overrides Cloneable
colors. Variable in class TripleSlider
Array that holds colors of each of the 3 parts.
ColorSpaceFrame(short, RGBCoord, MessageProcessor). Constructor for class ColorSpaceFrame
Constructs the color space framework.
ColorSpaceMsg(int, int). Constructor for class ColorSpaceMsg
Constructs a message.
compColor. Variable in class ImgTest
Resulting RGB color component
compColor. Variable in class XYZandColor
resulting RGB color
CompColor(RGBCoord). Constructor for class CompColor
Constructs colored rectangle component with argument.
CompHSVCone(FrameHSV). Constructor for class CompHSVCone
Constructs updatable component that contains the HSV hexcone.
CompHSVHex(FrameHSV). Constructor for class CompHSVHex
Constructs a component with the HSV hexagone.
CompHSVSliders(FrameHSV). Constructor for class CompHSVSliders
Constructs updatable component that contains 3 HSV slider controls.
CompLABCanvas(XYZSet). Constructor for class CompLABCanvas
Constructs the LAB drawing canvas.
CompLABSlice(FrameLAB). Constructor for class CompLABSlice
Constructs a component with the LAB slice.
CompLABSliders(FrameLAB). Constructor for class CompLABSliders
Constructs updatable component that contains 3 LAB slider controls.
component0. Variable in class FrameHSV
updatable component
component0. Variable in class FrameLAB
updatable component
component0. Variable in class FrameRGB
updatable component
component0. Variable in class FrameYIQ
updatable component
component0. Variable in class Game
updatable component
component1. Variable in class FrameHSV
updatable component
component1. Variable in class FrameLAB
updatable component
component1. Variable in class FrameRGB
updatable component
component1. Variable in class FrameYIQ
updatable component
component1. Variable in class Game
updatable component
component2. Variable in class FrameHSV
updatable component
component2. Variable in class FrameLAB
updatable component
component2. Variable in class FrameRGB
updatable component
component2. Variable in class FrameYIQ
updatable component
component2. Variable in class Game
updatable component
component3. Variable in class FrameHSV
updatable component
component3. Variable in class FrameRGB
updatable component
CompRGBCube(FrameRGB). Constructor for class CompRGBCube
Constructs a component with the RGB cube.
CompRGBDither(FrameRGB). Constructor for class CompRGBDither
Constructs updatable component that contains 2 dither-panel controls.
CompRGBSliders(FrameRGB). Constructor for class CompRGBSliders
Constructs updatable component that contains 3 RGB slider controls.
compSliders. Variable in class SlidersContainer
current set of sliders
CompSliders(Game). Constructor for class CompSliders
Constructs updatable component that contains 3 slider controls.
Compute(int[][]). Method in class Diagram
Computes the array of pixels representing the diagram.
compute_hs(int, int). Method in class HSVHex
compute H and S for given (x,y) position on the hexagon.
computeImage(). Method in class CompLABCanvas
This method computes the image of the LAB slice.
computeImage(). Method in class HSVHex
Computes and creates the hexagon image.
computeProgress(). Method in class ProgressText
Computes current user's progress based on previous move.
CompYIQCube(FrameYIQ). Constructor for class CompYIQCube
Constructs a component with the RGB cube in YIQ color space.
CompYIQSliders(FrameYIQ). Constructor for class CompYIQSliders
Constructs updatable component that contains 3 YIQ slider controls.
connect(Point, Point, Graphics). Method in class HSVhexcone
Draws a line between two points.
convertFromRGB(RGBCoord). Method in class HSVCoord
Converts RGB -> HSV.
convertFromRGB(RGBCoord). Method in class XYZSet
Converts from RGB to XYZ and LAB.
convertFromRGB(RGBCoord). Method in class YIQCoord
Converts RGB -> YIQ.
convertToRGB(RGBCoord). Method in class HSVCoord
Convert HSV -> RGB.
convertToRGB(RGBCoord). Method in class YIQCoord
Convert YIQ -> RGB.
cube. Variable in class CompRGBCube
RGB cube
cube. Variable in class CompYIQCube
RGB cube
current. Variable in class Mixer
Current resulting color point
cx. Variable in class DitherPlane
current coordinate, 0 to 255
Cx. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Cyan vertex.
cy. Variable in class DitherPlane
current coordinate, 0 to 255
Cy. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Cyan vertex.


D. Variable in class HSVHex
daddy. Variable in class MessageProcessor
an object that must be informed about receiving window closing event.
data. Variable in class Diagram
Chromaticity values
data. Static variable in class SpectrumInput
array of 16 spectrum data points
delay. Variable in class Filter
delay interval, msec
Diagram(int, int). Constructor for class Diagram
This constructor simply initialized the size variables.
differentFrom(RGBCoord). Method in class RGBCoord
Compares RGB components.
DitherPlane(int, int, int, DitherPanelListener). Constructor for class DitherPlane
Constructs a dither plane and initializes it.
doJob(). Method in class CompLABCanvas
This method implements the Job interface.
doJob(). Method in interface Job
This method is called to run a time consuming task.
drawAxes(Graphics). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Draw the axes of the chromaticity diagram.
drawAxes(Graphics). Method in class SpectrumInput
Draws x and y axes of the spectrum and labels them.
drawCross(Graphics, float, float). Method in class CompLABCanvas
Draws the current (a,b) position marker.
drawCurrent(Graphics). Method in class DitherPlane
Draws a marker indicating current position.
drawCursor(Graphics). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Draws the current color marker in current graphics context.
drawData(Graphics). Method in class SpectrumInput
Draws spectrum as a polyline and marks the breakpoints.
drawGamut(Graphics). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Draws the gamut triangle in current graphics context.
drawHiddenLines(Graphics). Method in class HSVhexcone
Draws the hidden lines (dashed) of the hexcone.
drawHS(Graphics). Method in class HSVHex
Draws the marker indicating current (H,S) coordinates.
drawSeenLines(Graphics). Method in class HSVhexcone
Draws the visible lines and vertices of the hexcone.
drawSlice(Graphics). Method in class HSVhexcone
Draws the hexagonal slicing plane on the hexcone.
drawWavelengths(Graphics). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Draws the wavelengths along the spectral locus.


edgeMap. Variable in class VertConn
edge connection array


F(). Constructor for class F
Constructs the color space conversion applet.
filter. Variable in class ColorSpaceFrame
Object filter.
Filter(ObjectReceiver, long). Constructor for class Filter
Constructs an object burst filter.
font. Variable in class TripleSlider
current font of the labels.
fradius. Variable in class HSVHex
radius (float)
FrameHSV(short, RGBCoord, MessageProcessor). Constructor for class FrameHSV
Constructs the HSV color space frame.
FrameLAB(short, RGBCoord, MessageProcessor). Constructor for class FrameLAB
Constructs the LAB color space frame.
FrameRGB(short, RGBCoord, MessageProcessor). Constructor for class FrameRGB
Constructs the HSV color space frame.
frames. Variable in class F
Color space frames
FrameYIQ(short, RGBCoord, MessageProcessor). Constructor for class FrameYIQ
Constructs the YIQ color space frame.


G. Variable in class Diagram
G. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
g. Variable in class XYZSet
GAM. Variable in class Diagram
Game(). Constructor for class Game
gamutCnt. Variable in class ChromaCanvas
Count of gamut vertices
gamutPoint. Variable in class ChromaCanvas
Array of (three) color gamut vertices
getBlue(). Method in class RGBCoord
Returns the blue component.
getBoundingBox(). Method in class CompLABCanvas
Computes the bounding box for the image to improve performance.
getColor(int). Method in class TripleSlider
Returns color of a part.
getCurrentPoint(). Method in class Mixer
Returns current point.
getFromRGB(RGBCoord). Method in class RGBCoord
Copy new RGB values includin the valid flag.
getGreen(). Method in class RGBCoord
Returns the green component.
getID(). Method in interface UpdatableComponentIfc
Returns unique ID.
getID(). Method in class UpdatableComponentImpl
Returns the ID.
getRed(). Method in class RGBCoord
Returns the red component.
getRGB(int[]). Method in class RGBCoord
Copies the components into array.
getValue(int). Method in class TripleSlider
Returns value for a part.
gf. Variable in class XYZSet
green. Variable in class RGBCoord
RGB space coordinates (0...255)
Gx. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Green vertex.
Gy. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Green vertex.


h. Variable in class HSVHex
hue and saturation for each (x,y) of the image.
H. Variable in class HSVHex
handleEvent(Event). Method in class ColorSpaceFrame
This method overrides the default event handler.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class Slider
Handles scrollbar events.
HandleMouse(int). Method in class TripleSlider
Does all the recalculations related to user interaction with the slider.
HEIGHT. Static variable in class ChromaCanvas
Height of chromaticity diagram
HEIGHT. Static variable in class ImgTest
Height of chromaticity diagram
hexagone. Variable in class CompHSVHex
HSV hexagone
hexcone. Variable in class CompHSVCone
The hexcone canvas.
hsvCoord. Variable in class FrameHSV
This is a peer of rgbLocal in the superclass.
hsvCoord. Variable in class Game
peer of rgbLocal.
HSVCoord(RGBCoord). Constructor for class HSVCoord
Constructor from RGB space
HSVHex(float, float, float). Constructor for class HSVHex
Constructs the hexagon.
HSVhexcone(float). Constructor for class HSVhexcone
Constructs the hexcone with argument.
hue. Variable in class HSVCoord
hue value, 0 to 1.
hue. Variable in class HSVHex
Current HSV space coordinates.


i. Variable in class YIQCoord
the I coordinate.
id. Variable in class ColorSpaceMsg
Message code.
ID_SPACE_HSV. Static variable in class Space
ID_SPACE_LAB. Static variable in class Space
ID_SPACE_RGB. Static variable in class Space
ID_SPACE_YIQ. Static variable in class Space
image. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Image of the slice.
image. Variable in class DitherPlane
dithered image
image. Variable in class HSVHex
Image of the hexagon.
imgTest. Variable in class Mixer
Parent applet reference
ImgTest(). Constructor for class ImgTest
informOthers(int). Method in class ColorSpaceFrame
This method is called by a component when it has been changed.
informOthers(int). Method in class Game
Tells other components to update themselves.
init(). Method in class Game
Initializes the applet.
init(). Method in class ImgTest
The applet initalization method
init(). Method in class Spectrum
Applet initialization.
insets(). Method in class ButtonBar
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class CompColor
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class CompSliders
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class HSVhexcone
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class LabelXYZ
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class PlaneMatch
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class PlaneMatchAndStart
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class ProgressText
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class Slider
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class SlidersContainer
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class SpectrumInput
Overrides the default insets() method.
insets(). Method in class XYZandColor
Overrides the default insets() method.
iradius. Variable in class HSVHex
radius (int)
isInRange(int, int). Method in class Diagram
Checks if a point belongs to the chromaticity diagram.
isValid(). Method in class RGBCoord
Returns true if the coordinates are valid.


job. Variable in class Scheduler
object implementing the doJob() method.


L. Variable in class XYZSet
LabelXYZ(XYZSet). Constructor for class LabelXYZ
Constructs a set of XYZ labels.
LABtoXYZ(). Method in class XYZSet
Converts from LAB to XYZ internally.
LABtoXYZ(float, float). Method in class XYZSet
Converts from LAB to XYZ.
labXYZ. Variable in class XYZandColor
set of XYZ labels
listener. Variable in class DitherPlane
current listener
listener. Variable in class Slider
a listener to this slider
lx. Variable in class LabelXYZ
label for X
ly. Variable in class LabelXYZ
label for Y
lz. Variable in class LabelXYZ
label for Z


M. Variable in class Diagram
M. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
mark(Point, Color, Graphics). Method in class HSVhexcone
Draws a mark with specified color.
match. Variable in class PlaneMatch
inner color rectangle (matching color)
Matrix3D(). Constructor for class Matrix3D
Create a new unit matrix
MessageProcessor(ColorSpaceFrame[], UpdateState). Constructor for class MessageProcessor
Constructs message processor.
minimumSize(). Method in class ButtonBar
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompColor
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompHSVCone
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompHSVHex
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompHSVSliders
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompLABCanvas
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompLABSlice
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompLABSliders
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompRGBCube
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompRGBDither
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompRGBSliders
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompSliders
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompYIQCube
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class CompYIQSliders
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class DitherPlane
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class HSVHex
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class HSVhexcone
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class LabelXYZ
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class PlaneMatch
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class PlaneMatchAndStart
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class ProgressText
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class RGBCube
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class Slider
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class SlidersContainer
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class SpectrumInput
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class TripleSlider
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
minimumSize(). Method in class XYZandColor
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
mixer. Variable in class ImgTest
Three-color proportional mixer.
Mixer(ImgTest). Constructor for class Mixer
Constructs the 3-color mixer.
Motion(). Method in class Mixer
Processes slider changes.
Motion(). Method in class TripleSlider
This method is called when the "thumb" of the slider is dragged by the user.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Processes mouse click event on the chromaticity diagram canvas.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class DitherPlane
Processes mouse down event, updates current position and invokes the listener.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class RGBCube
Processes mouse down event.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class TripleSlider
An internal method used to handle mouse down events.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class DitherPlane
Processes mouse drag event, updates current position and invokes the listener.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class RGBCube
Processes mouse drag event to rotate the RGB cube.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class SpectrumInput
An internal method used to handle mouse drag events.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class TripleSlider
An internal method used to handle mouse drag events.
msg_processor. Variable in class ColorSpaceFrame
A reference to the message processor.
msg_processor. Variable in class F
Message processor that provides communication among color space frames.
MSG_SPACE_CLOSING. Static variable in class ColorSpaceMsg
Color space frame is closing.
MSG_SPACE_UPDATED. Static variable in class ColorSpaceMsg
Color space frame has been changed.
mult(Matrix3D). Method in class Matrix3D
Multiply this matrix by a second: M = M*R
Mx. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Magenta vertex.
My. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Magenta vertex.


N. Variable in class Diagram
num. Variable in class VertConn
number of vertices this vertex is connected to.
NUM_SPACES. Static variable in class Space
Number of color spaces.


O. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
object. Variable in class Filter
object (event) buffer of unit size


paint(Graphics). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Draws the image, axes, wavelengths, gamut and marker.
paint(Graphics). Method in class CompLABCanvas
The paint method.
paint(Graphics). Method in class DitherPlane
paint method.
paint(Graphics). Method in class HSVHex
Draws the image of the hexagon and the (H,S) marker.
paint(Graphics). Method in class HSVhexcone
Draws the entire hexcone.
paint(Graphics). Method in class ProgressText
Draws the prompt string.
paint(Graphics). Method in class RGBCube
Computes and paints all vertices and edges of the RGB cube.
paint(Graphics). Method in class SpectrumInput
Paints the spectrum in the current graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class TripleSlider
Paints the whole slider and labels.
parent. Variable in class ButtonBar
parent. Variable in class PlaneMatch
reference to parent applet
parent. Variable in class PlaneMatchAndStart
reference to parent applet
parent. Variable in class ProgressText
reference to the parent applet
parent. Variable in class SlidersContainer
reference to parent applet
parent. Variable in class SpectrumInput
reference to parent applet
pi. Static variable in class Matrix3D
pix. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Pixel array used for image computaion.
pix. Variable in class HSVHex
pixel array.
pixMax_. Variable in class TripleSlider
pixMin_. Variable in class TripleSlider
PlaneMatch(Color, Game). Constructor for class PlaneMatch
Constructs the matching component.
PlaneMatchAndStart(Color, Game). Constructor for class PlaneMatchAndStart
Constructs a component containing matching component and a start-again button.
pm. Variable in class PlaneMatchAndStart
matching component
pointColor(Point). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Gets color of a point.
postMessage(ColorSpaceMsg). Method in class MessageProcessor
Adds a new message into the queue.
preferredSize(). Method in class ButtonBar
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompColor
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompHSVCone
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompHSVHex
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompHSVSliders
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompLABCanvas
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompLABSlice
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompLABSliders
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompRGBCube
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompRGBDither
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompRGBSliders
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompSliders
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompYIQCube
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class CompYIQSliders
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class DitherPlane
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class HSVHex
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class HSVhexcone
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class LabelXYZ
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class PlaneMatch
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class PlaneMatchAndStart
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class ProgressText
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class RGBCube
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class Slider
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class SlidersContainer
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class SpectrumInput
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class TripleSlider
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
preferredSize(). Method in class XYZandColor
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
prev_b. Variable in class ProgressText
previous color component
prev_g. Variable in class ProgressText
previous color component
prev_r. Variable in class ProgressText
previous color component
progress. Variable in class ProgressText
current progress code
ProgressText(Game). Constructor for class ProgressText
Constructs the progress prompt.
put(Object). Method in class Filter
Px. Static variable in class XYZSet
x color matching function tabulated at 20-nm intervals.
Py. Static variable in class XYZSet
y color matching function tabulated at 20-nm intervals.
Pz. Static variable in class XYZSet
z color matching function tabulated at 20-nm intervals.


q. Variable in class YIQCoord
the Q coordinate.


R. Variable in class Diagram
R. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
r. Variable in class XYZSet
random. Variable in class Game
randomColor(). Method in class Game
Generates random color, avoiding really dark ones that are hard to match by eye.
randomColor(RGBCoord). Method in class Game
Generates random color, avoiding really dark ones that are hard to match by eye.
rb_plane. Variable in class CompRGBDither
Red-blue dither-panel control
receiveObject(Object). Method in class ColorSpaceFrame
This method implements the ObjectReceiver interface.
receiveObject(Object). Method in interface ObjectReceiver
This method is called by an object producer.
recomputeCoordinates(). Method in class ColorSpaceFrame
This method is called from the ColorSpaceFrame when this frame has to be updated due to an external event (i.e.
recomputeCoordinates(). Method in class FrameHSV
This method overrides the one from the superclass, and does the actual coordinate conversion.
recomputeCoordinates(). Method in class FrameLAB
This method overrides the one from the superclass, and does the actual coordinate conversion.
recomputeCoordinates(). Method in class FrameYIQ
This method overrides the one from the superclass, and does the actual coordinate conversion.
recomputeCoordinates(). Method in class Game
Recomputes color coordinates.
red. Variable in class RGBCoord
RGB space coordinates (0...255)
registerComponent(UpdatableComponentImpl). Method in class ColorSpaceFrame
Registers an updatable component for this frame.
registerComponent(UpdatableComponentImpl). Method in class Game
Registers a component as updatable.
render(double, int). Static method in class DecimalPlaces
Render a String representing a double with specified number of decimal places.
reset(). Method in class Game
Resets all the components.
reset(). Method in class ProgressText
Resets the prompt to initial state.
reset(). Method in class SlidersContainer
Resets the slider container.
reset(Color). Method in class PlaneMatch
Resets the matching component to the background color for the outer rectangle and parent.rgbLocal color for the inner rectangle.
reset(Color). Method in class PlaneMatchAndStart
Resets this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class TripleSlider
This method is called by the runtime when the slider is resized.
rf. Variable in class XYZSet
rg_plane. Variable in class CompRGBDither
Red-green dither-panel control
rgb. Variable in class ColorSpaceFrame
Reference to the main RGB coordinates.
rgb. Variable in class F
These RGB coordinates are used to create new color frames.
RGBCoord(int, int, int). Constructor for class RGBCoord
Constructs RGBCoord given initial values.
RGBCube(float, float, float). Constructor for class RGBCube
Constructs an RGB cube in YIQ color space.
RGBCube(int, int, int). Constructor for class RGBCube
Constructs an RGB cube in RGB color space.
rgbLocal. Variable in class ColorSpaceFrame
Local RGB coordinates used to update components.
rgbLocal. Variable in class Game
current color
rgbLocal. Variable in class ImgTest
RGB coordinates.
rgbLocal. Variable in class Spectrum
RGB color coordinates
rgbTarget. Variable in class Game
target color (color being matched)
RGBtoXYZ(RGBCoord). Method in class XYZSet
Converts from RGB to XYZ.
run(). Method in class Filter
Dispatches objects to the receiver.
run(). Method in class MessageProcessor
Implementation of the Runnable interface.
run(). Method in class Scheduler
Runs the job in a thread.
Rx. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Red vertex.
Ry. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Red vertex.


s. Variable in class HSVHex
hue and saturation for each (x,y) of the image.
saturation. Variable in class HSVCoord
saturation value, 0 to 1.
saturation. Variable in class HSVHex
Current HSV space coordinates.
scale(float). Method in class Matrix3D
Scale by f in all dimensions
scale(float, float, float). Method in class Matrix3D
Scale along each axis independently
scheduleJob(). Method in class Scheduler
Schedules a job and returns.
scheduler. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Scheduler used to improve response time.
Scheduler(Job). Constructor for class Scheduler
Constructs a scheduler for a particular job doer.
setBackground(Color). Method in class CanvasDB
Sets background color.
setBackground(Color). Method in class Slider
Sets the color of the bar.
setBlue(int). Method in class RGBCoord
Sets the blue component.
setColor(int, Color). Method in class TripleSlider
Sets color of a part.
setCoord(float, float, float). Method in class RGBCube
Updates the position of the vertex indicating current color position within the cube.
setCoord(int, int, int). Method in class RGBCube
Updates the position of the vertex indicating current color position within the cube.
setCurrent(int, int). Method in class DitherPlane
Sets current coordinates.
setCurrentXY(int, int). Method in class DitherPlane
Sets current coordinates.
setCxCy(int, int). Method in class DitherPlane
Clips input coordinates to 0 to 255 range.
setDelay(long). Method in class Filter
Sets delay interval.
setEdgeMap(int, int, int). Method in class VertConn
This function establishes mapping of edges into array of drawn edges.
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class TripleSlider
Enables/disables the slider.
setGreen(int). Method in class RGBCoord
Sets the green component.
setHSV(float). Method in class HSVHex
Sets the V value and repaints the hexagon.
setHSV(float, float). Method in class HSVHex
Sets the S and H values and repaints the hexagon.
setHSV(float, float, float). Method in class HSVHex
Sets the H, S and V values and repaints the hexagon.
setRed(int). Method in class RGBCoord
Sets the red component.
setRGB(int, int, int). Method in class RGBCoord
Sets the RGB coordinates to specified values.
setValid(boolean). Method in class RGBCoord
Sets the valid flag.
setValue(float). Method in class HSVhexcone
Sets brightness value.
setValue(float). Method in class Slider
Sets new value.
setValue(int). Method in class Slider
Sets new value.
setValues(double, double). Method in class TripleSlider
Sets new values of the slider.
SIZE. Static variable in class DitherPlane
dither panel size.
slice. Variable in class CompLABSlice
Canvas containing LAB slice.
Slider(SliderListener, int, int, float, float, float, String). Constructor for class Slider
Constructs a floating-point slider.
Slider(SliderListener, int, int, int, int, int, String). Constructor for class Slider
Constructs an integer slider.
slider1. Variable in class CompSliders
slider component
slider2. Variable in class CompSliders
slider component
slider3. Variable in class CompSliders
slider component
slider_id. Variable in class Slider
assigned slider id
sliderA. Variable in class CompLABSliders
sliderAdjusted(int, float). Method in class CompHSVSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, float). Method in class CompLABSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, float). Method in class CompRGBSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, float). Method in class CompSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, float). Method in class CompYIQSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, float). Method in interface SliderListener
This method is called by a slider upon receiving user input.
sliderAdjusted(int, int). Method in class CompHSVSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, int). Method in class CompLABSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, int). Method in class CompRGBSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, int). Method in class CompSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, int). Method in class CompYIQSliders
This method implements one of the SliderListener interface methods.
sliderAdjusted(int, int). Method in interface SliderListener
This method is called by a slider upon receiving user input.
sliderB. Variable in class CompLABSliders
sliderB. Variable in class CompRGBSliders
Blue slider control.
sliderG. Variable in class CompRGBSliders
Green slider control.
sliderH. Variable in class CompHSVSliders
Hue slider control.
sliderI. Variable in class CompYIQSliders
I slider control.
sliderL. Variable in class CompLABSliders
sliderQ. Variable in class CompYIQSliders
Q slider control.
sliderR. Variable in class CompRGBSliders
Red slider control.
sliderS. Variable in class CompHSVSliders
Saturation slider control.
SlidersContainer(Game). Constructor for class SlidersContainer
Constructs the slider container.
sliderV. Variable in class CompHSVSliders
Brightness slider control.
sliderY. Variable in class CompYIQSliders
Y slider control.
sourceWindow. Variable in class ColorSpaceMsg
Color space frame ID sending the message.
SPACE_NAME. Static variable in class Space
Titles of color space frames.
spaceID. Variable in class CompSliders
current color space code
spaceID. Variable in class Game
current color space code
Spectrum(). Constructor for class Spectrum
spectrumInput. Variable in class Spectrum
spectrum input component.
SpectrumInput(Spectrum). Constructor for class SpectrumInput
Constructs the spectrum input component.
spectrumToXYZ(float[]). Method in class XYZSet
Computes XYZ coordinates for a spectrum.
startAgain. Variable in class PlaneMatchAndStart
start-again button
stop(). Method in class F
Disposes of all active frame and enables all buttons when the browser leaves this page.


this_window. Variable in class ColorSpaceFrame
ID assigned to this object when instantiated.
thread. Variable in class Filter
dispatching thread
thread. Variable in class Scheduler
scheduler's thread
toString(). Method in class ColorSpaceMsg
Converts this message to string.
toString(). Method in class HSVCoord
Converts HSV coordinates to string.
toString(). Method in class Matrix3D
toString(). Method in class RGBCoord
Converts to String.
toString(). Method in class XY
Converts the coordinate pair to string.
toString(). Method in class YIQCoord
Converts YIQ coordinates to string.
toVertices. Variable in class VertConn
vertex connection array
transform(float[], int[], int). Method in class Matrix3D
Transform nvert points from v into tv.
translate(float, float, float). Method in class Matrix3D
Translate the origin
TripleSlider(). Constructor for class TripleSlider
Constructs and initializes the slider.
type. Variable in class DitherPlane
type of the dither panel.
TYPE_RB. Static variable in class DitherPlane
red-blue type.
TYPE_RG. Static variable in class DitherPlane
red-green type.


unit(). Method in class Matrix3D
Reinitialize to the unit matrix
UpdatableComponentImpl(). Constructor for class UpdatableComponentImpl
Constructor assigns a unique id.
updatableComponents. Variable in class ColorSpaceFrame
A Vector of registered updatable components.
updatableComponents. Variable in class Game
vector of updatable components
update(). Method in class CompColor
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class CompHSVCone
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class CompHSVHex
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class CompHSVSliders
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class CompLABCanvas
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class CompLABSlice
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class CompLABSliders
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class CompRGBCube
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class CompRGBDither
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class CompRGBSliders
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class CompSliders
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class CompYIQCube
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class CompYIQSliders
Self-update method.
update(). Method in class LabelXYZ
Updates the labels.
update(). Method in class PlaneMatch
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class PlaneMatchAndStart
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class ProgressText
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class SlidersContainer
Self-update method that implements UpdatableComponentIfc.
update(). Method in class Spectrum
Updates labels and color.
update(). Method in interface UpdatableComponentIfc
This method is invoked when the object must update itself.
update(). Method in class UpdatableComponentImpl
This method must be overridden by the object to update itself.
update(). Method in class XYZandColor
Updates the labels and the resulting color.
update(Graphics). Method in class CanvasDB
Off-screen version that overrides default update(Graphics) method.
update(Graphics). Method in class ChromaCanvas
Overrides the default update(Graphics) method to draw current color marker.
update(Graphics). Method in class CompColor
Overrides the default update(Graphics) method in order not to clear screen to avoid flicker.
update(Graphics). Method in class CompLABCanvas
Overrides the default update(Graphics) method in order not to clear screen to avoid flicker.
update(Graphics). Method in class DitherPlane
Overrides the default update(Graphics) method in order not to clear screen to avoid flicker.
update(Graphics). Method in class HSVHex
Overrides the default update(Graphics) method in order not to clear screen to avoid flicker.
update(Graphics). Method in class PlaneMatch
Overrides the default update(Graphics) method in order not to clear screen to avoid flicker.
update(Graphics). Method in class TripleSlider
Overrides the default update(Graphics) method in order not to clear screen to avoid flicker.
updateColorSpaceFrame(). Method in class ColorSpaceFrame
This method is called when the message processor dispatches frame-update events.
updateState(int). Method in class F
This method is called from the message processor when a button becomes enabled.
updateState(int). Method in interface UpdateState
Update state of the specified object.
updateState(int, int, int). Method in class CompRGBDither
This method implements the DitherPanelListener interface.
updateState(int, int, int). Method in interface DitherPanelListener
This method is called by a dither plane upon receiving user input.


valid. Variable in class RGBCoord
Flag set to true if the coordinates are valid.
value. Variable in class HSVCoord
brightness value, 0 to 1.
value. Variable in class HSVHex
Current HSV space coordinates.
value. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Brightness value.
value_label. Variable in class Slider
scaling factor: 1 (10^0) for integer type; 10^n - for floats with n decimal places int scaler; /** label indicating the current value
valueToString(float). Method in class Slider
Converts value to string.
VertConn(). Constructor for class VertConn
Constructs an empty vertex connection array.
VertConn(int, int, int). Constructor for class VertConn
Constructs a vertex connection array to 3 vertices.


W. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
WIDTH. Static variable in class ChromaCanvas
Width of chromaticity diagram
WIDTH. Static variable in class ImgTest
Width of chromaticity diagram
width_. Variable in class TripleSlider
wxy. Variable in class ChromaticityData
Array containing chromaticity coordinates at 5-nm intervals.


x. Variable in class XY
x - coordinate
X. Variable in class XYZSet
X0. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Vertices' coordinate grid.
X1. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Vertices' coordinate grid.
X2. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Vertices' coordinate grid.
XB. Variable in class Diagram
XG. Variable in class Diagram
xo. Variable in class Matrix3D
XR. Variable in class Diagram
xrot(double). Method in class Matrix3D
rotate theta degrees about the x axis
XUNIT. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Horizontal unit measure in pixels.
XW. Variable in class Diagram
xx. Variable in class Matrix3D
xy. Variable in class Matrix3D
XY(float, float). Constructor for class XY
Constructs a coordinate pair.
xyz. Variable in class CompLABCanvas
Prec protected float frac; // = (L + 16) / 116 /** RGB-XYZ-LAB converter.
xyz. Variable in class FrameLAB
This is a peer of rgbLocal in the superclass.
xyz. Variable in class Game
peer of rgbLocal.
xyz. Variable in class LabelXYZ
reference to the RGB-XYZ converter
xyz. Variable in class Spectrum
peer of rgbLocal
xyz_color. Variable in class Spectrum
XYZandColor(RGBCoord, XYZSet). Constructor for class XYZandColor
Constructs the container for the XYZ labels and the resulting color component.
XYZSet(). Constructor for class XYZSet
Constructs a converter with no arguments.
XYZSet(RGBCoord). Constructor for class XYZSet
Constructs a converter with an argument.
XYZtoLAB(). Method in class XYZSet
Converts from XYZ to LAB internally.
XYZtoRGB(). Method in class XYZSet
Converts from XYZ to RGB internally.
XYZtoRGB(RGBCoord). Method in class XYZSet
Converts from XYZ to RGB.
xz. Variable in class Matrix3D


Y. Variable in class HSVhexcone
Hexcone's vertices.
y. Variable in class XY
y - coordinate
Y. Variable in class XYZSet
y. Variable in class YIQCoord
the Y coordinate.
Y0. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Vertices' coordinate grid.
Y1. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Vertices' coordinate grid.
Y2. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Vertices' coordinate grid.
YB. Variable in class Diagram
YG. Variable in class Diagram
yiqCoord. Variable in class FrameYIQ
This is a peer of rgbLocal in the superclass.
yiqCoord. Variable in class Game
peer of rgbLocal.
YIQCoord(RGBCoord). Constructor for class YIQCoord
Constructor from RGB space
yo. Variable in class Matrix3D
yout. Variable in class HSVHex
YR. Variable in class Diagram
yrot(double). Method in class Matrix3D
rotate theta degrees about the y axis
YUNIT. Static variable in class HSVhexcone
Vertical unit measure in pixels.
YW. Variable in class Diagram
Yx. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Yellow vertex.
yx. Variable in class Matrix3D
Yy. Variable in class HSVHex
coordinates for Yellow vertex.
yy. Variable in class Matrix3D
yz. Variable in class Matrix3D