Class RGBCube


public class RGBCube
extends CanvasDB
This class produces RGB cube in RGB or YIQ color spaces.

Constructor Index

 o RGBCube(float, float, float)
Constructs an RGB cube in YIQ color space.
 o RGBCube(int, int, int)
Constructs an RGB cube in RGB color space.

Method Index

 o minimumSize()
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
 o mouseDown(Event, int, int)
Processes mouse down event.
 o mouseDrag(Event, int, int)
Processes mouse drag event to rotate the RGB cube.
 o paint(Graphics)
Computes and paints all vertices and edges of the RGB cube.
 o preferredSize()
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
 o setCoord(float, float, float)
Updates the position of the vertex indicating current color position within the cube.
 o setCoord(int, int, int)
Updates the position of the vertex indicating current color position within the cube.


 o RGBCube
 public RGBCube(int red,
                int green,
                int blue)
Constructs an RGB cube in RGB color space.

red - initial value of red component
green - initial value of green component
blue - initial value of blue component
 o RGBCube
 public RGBCube(float y,
                float i,
                float q)
Constructs an RGB cube in YIQ color space.

y - initial value of Y component
i - initial value of I component
q - initial value of Q component


 o mouseDown
 public boolean mouseDown(Event e,
                          int x,
                          int y)
Processes mouse down event.

mouseDown in class Component
 o mouseDrag
 public boolean mouseDrag(Event e,
                          int x,
                          int y)
Processes mouse drag event to rotate the RGB cube.

mouseDrag in class Component
 o setCoord
 public void setCoord(int red,
                      int green,
                      int blue)
Updates the position of the vertex indicating current color position within the cube.

red - new red component
green - new green component
blue - new blue component
 o setCoord
 public void setCoord(float y,
                      float i,
                      float q)
Updates the position of the vertex indicating current color position within the cube.

y - new Y component
i - new I component
q - new Q component
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
Computes and paints all vertices and edges of the RGB cube.

paint in class Canvas
 o minimumSize
 public Dimension minimumSize()
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.

new Dimension
minimumSize in class Component
 o preferredSize
 public Dimension preferredSize()
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.

new Dimension
preferredSize in class Component