Class HSVhexcone


public class HSVhexcone
extends CanvasDB
This class produces the HSV hexcone component.

See Also:

Variable Index

 o B
Hexcone's vertices.
 o C
Hexcone's vertices.
 o G
Hexcone's vertices.
 o M
Hexcone's vertices.
 o O
Hexcone's vertices.
 o R
Hexcone's vertices.
 o value
Brightness value.
 o W
Hexcone's vertices.
 o X0
Vertices' coordinate grid.
 o X1
Vertices' coordinate grid.
 o X2
Vertices' coordinate grid.
Horizontal unit measure in pixels.
 o Y
Hexcone's vertices.
 o Y0
Vertices' coordinate grid.
 o Y1
Vertices' coordinate grid.
 o Y2
Vertices' coordinate grid.
Vertical unit measure in pixels.

Constructor Index

 o HSVhexcone(float)
Constructs the hexcone with argument.

Method Index

 o between(Point, Point)
Returns a point that lies on the line between p1 and p2, at the distance |p1-p2| * value from p1.
 o connect(Point, Point, Graphics)
Draws a line between two points.
 o drawHiddenLines(Graphics)
Draws the hidden lines (dashed) of the hexcone.
 o drawSeenLines(Graphics)
Draws the visible lines and vertices of the hexcone.
 o drawSlice(Graphics)
Draws the hexagonal slicing plane on the hexcone.
 o insets()
Overrides the default insets() method.
 o mark(Point, Color, Graphics)
Draws a mark with specified color.
 o minimumSize()
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.
 o paint(Graphics)
Draws the entire hexcone.
 o preferredSize()
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.
 o setValue(float)
Sets brightness value.


 static final int XUNIT
Horizontal unit measure in pixels.

 static final int YUNIT
Vertical unit measure in pixels.

 o X0
 static final int X0
Vertices' coordinate grid.

 o X1
 static final int X1
Vertices' coordinate grid.

 o X2
 static final int X2
Vertices' coordinate grid.

 o Y0
 static final int Y0
Vertices' coordinate grid.

 o Y1
 static final int Y1
Vertices' coordinate grid.

 o Y2
 static final int Y2
Vertices' coordinate grid.

 o R
 Point R
Hexcone's vertices.

 o Y
 Point Y
Hexcone's vertices.

 o G
 Point G
Hexcone's vertices.

 o C
 Point C
Hexcone's vertices.

 o B
 Point B
Hexcone's vertices.

 o M
 Point M
Hexcone's vertices.

 o W
 Point W
Hexcone's vertices.

 o O
 Point O
Hexcone's vertices.

 o value
 float value
Brightness value.


 o HSVhexcone
 public HSVhexcone(float value)
Constructs the hexcone with argument.

value - brightness [0,1].


 o setValue
 public void setValue(float value)
Sets brightness value.

value - brightness [0,1].
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
Draws the entire hexcone.

paint in class Canvas
 o drawHiddenLines
 void drawHiddenLines(Graphics g)
Draws the hidden lines (dashed) of the hexcone.

 o drawSeenLines
 void drawSeenLines(Graphics g)
Draws the visible lines and vertices of the hexcone.

 o drawSlice
 void drawSlice(Graphics g)
Draws the hexagonal slicing plane on the hexcone.

 o between
 Point between(Point p1,
               Point p2)
Returns a point that lies on the line between p1 and p2, at the distance |p1-p2| * value from p1.

p1,p2 - points specifying the line.
new point coordinates
 o connect
 void connect(Point p1,
              Point p2,
              Graphics g)
Draws a line between two points.

p1 - first point.
p2 - second point.
g - current graphics context.
 o mark
 void mark(Point p,
           Color color,
           Graphics g)
Draws a mark with specified color.

p - mark's coordinates.
color - mark's color
g - current graphics context.
 o minimumSize
 public Dimension minimumSize()
Overrides the default minimumSize() method.

new Dimension
minimumSize in class Component
 o preferredSize
 public Dimension preferredSize()
Overrides the default preferredSize() method.

new Dimension
preferredSize in class Component
 o insets
 public Insets insets()
Overrides the default insets() method.

new Insets