Class Game


public class Game
extends Applet
This class produces the color matching game applet.

Variable Index

 o butSTART
 o buttonBar
color space selector
 o buttons
array of buttons
 o component0
updatable component
 o component1
updatable component
 o component2
updatable component
 o hsvCoord
peer of rgbLocal.
 o random
 o rgbLocal
current color
 o rgbTarget
target color (color being matched)
 o spaceID
current color space code
 o updatableComponents
vector of updatable components
 o xyz
peer of rgbLocal.
 o yiqCoord
peer of rgbLocal.

Constructor Index

 o Game()

Method Index

 o informOthers(int)
Tells other components to update themselves.
 o init()
Initializes the applet.
 o randomColor()
Generates random color, avoiding really dark ones that are hard to match by eye.
 o randomColor(RGBCoord)
Generates random color, avoiding really dark ones that are hard to match by eye.
 o recomputeCoordinates()
Recomputes color coordinates.
 o registerComponent(UpdatableComponentImpl)
Registers a component as updatable.
 o reset()
Resets all the components.


 o spaceID
 int spaceID
current color space code

 o rgbTarget
 RGBCoord rgbTarget
target color (color being matched)

 o rgbLocal
 RGBCoord rgbLocal
current color

 o hsvCoord
 HSVCoord hsvCoord
peer of rgbLocal.

 o yiqCoord
 YIQCoord yiqCoord
peer of rgbLocal.

 o xyz
 XYZSet xyz
peer of rgbLocal.

 o updatableComponents
 protected Vector updatableComponents
vector of updatable components

 o random
 Random random

 o component0
 PlaneMatchAndStart component0
updatable component

 o component1
 ProgressText component1
updatable component

 o component2
 SlidersContainer component2
updatable component

 o buttonBar
 ButtonBar buttonBar
color space selector

 o buttons
 Button buttons[]
array of buttons

 o butSTART
 Button butSTART


 o Game
 public Game()


 o init
 public void init()
Initializes the applet.

init in class Applet
 o registerComponent
 protected void registerComponent(UpdatableComponentImpl comp)
Registers a component as updatable.

comp - updatable component to be registered.
 o informOthers
 void informOthers(int from_id)
Tells other components to update themselves.

from_id - ID of the calling component.
 o reset
 public void reset()
Resets all the components.

 o recomputeCoordinates
 protected void recomputeCoordinates()
Recomputes color coordinates.

 o randomColor
 protected int randomColor()
Generates random color, avoiding really dark ones that are hard to match by eye.

 o randomColor
 protected int randomColor(RGBCoord rgbc)
Generates random color, avoiding really dark ones that are hard to match by eye.

rgbc - generated color goes here.