Class VertConn


class VertConn
extends Object
This class defines how a vertex connected to other vertices.

Variable Index

 o edgeMap
edge connection array
 o num
number of vertices this vertex is connected to.
 o toVertices
vertex connection array

Constructor Index

 o VertConn()
Constructs an empty vertex connection array.
 o VertConn(int, int, int)
Constructs a vertex connection array to 3 vertices.

Method Index

 o setEdgeMap(int, int, int)
This function establishes mapping of edges into array of drawn edges.


 o num
 int num
number of vertices this vertex is connected to.

 o toVertices
 int toVertices[]
vertex connection array

 o edgeMap
 int edgeMap[]
edge connection array


 o VertConn
Constructs an empty vertex connection array.

 o VertConn
 VertConn(int v1,
          int v2,
          int v3)
Constructs a vertex connection array to 3 vertices.

v1 - index of first vertex
v2 - index of second vertex
v3 - index of third vertex


 o setEdgeMap
 void setEdgeMap(int v1,
                 int v2,
                 int v3)
This function establishes mapping of edges into array of drawn edges. This prevents from drawing each edge when processing each vertex.