Class MessageProcessor


public class MessageProcessor
extends Object
implements Runnable
This class provides synchronization among active color space frames. It queues up and dispatches messages from the frames.

See Also:
ColorSpaceMsg, UpdateState

Variable Index

 o daddy
an object that must be informed about receiving window closing event.

Constructor Index

 o MessageProcessor(ColorSpaceFrame[], UpdateState)
Constructs message processor.

Method Index

 o postMessage(ColorSpaceMsg)
Adds a new message into the queue.
 o run()
Implementation of the Runnable interface.


 o daddy
 UpdateState daddy
an object that must be informed about receiving window closing event.


 o MessageProcessor
 public MessageProcessor(ColorSpaceFrame frames[],
                         UpdateState daddy)
Constructs message processor.

frames[] - array of color space frames.
daddy - object that must be informed about receiving window closing event.


 o run
 public void run()
Implementation of the Runnable interface. The thread runs all the queued events are dispatched.

 o postMessage
 public synchronized void postMessage(ColorSpaceMsg msg)
Adds a new message into the queue.

msg - a new message.