Class Matrix3D


class Matrix3D
extends Object
A fairly conventional 3D matrix object that can transform sets of 3D points and perform a variety of manipulations on the transform

Variable Index

 o pi
 o xo
 o xx
 o xy
 o xz
 o yo
 o yx
 o yy
 o yz
 o zo
 o zx
 o zy
 o zz

Constructor Index

 o Matrix3D()
Create a new unit matrix

Method Index

 o mult(Matrix3D)
Multiply this matrix by a second: M = M*R
 o scale(float)
Scale by f in all dimensions
 o scale(float, float, float)
Scale along each axis independently
 o toString()
 o transform(float[], int[], int)
Transform nvert points from v into tv.
 o translate(float, float, float)
Translate the origin
 o unit()
Reinitialize to the unit matrix
 o xrot(double)
rotate theta degrees about the x axis
 o yrot(double)
rotate theta degrees about the y axis
 o zrot(double)
rotate theta degrees about the z axis


 o xx
 float xx
 o xy
 float xy
 o xz
 float xz
 o xo
 float xo
 o yx
 float yx
 o yy
 float yy
 o yz
 float yz
 o yo
 float yo
 o zx
 float zx
 o zy
 float zy
 o zz
 float zz
 o zo
 float zo
 o pi
 static final double pi


 o Matrix3D
Create a new unit matrix


 o scale
 void scale(float f)
Scale by f in all dimensions

 o scale
 void scale(float xf,
            float yf,
            float zf)
Scale along each axis independently

 o translate
 void translate(float x,
                float y,
                float z)
Translate the origin

 o yrot
 void yrot(double theta)
rotate theta degrees about the y axis

 o xrot
 void xrot(double theta)
rotate theta degrees about the x axis

 o zrot
 void zrot(double theta)
rotate theta degrees about the z axis

 o mult
 void mult(Matrix3D rhs)
Multiply this matrix by a second: M = M*R

 o unit
 void unit()
Reinitialize to the unit matrix

 o transform
 void transform(float v[],
                int tv[],
                int nvert)
Transform nvert points from v into tv. v contains the input coordinates in floating point. Three successive entries in the array constitute a point. tv ends up holding the transformed points as integers; three successive entries per point

 o toString
 public String toString()
toString in class Object