Computer Graphics

Computer Science 88-633-01
Semester B

Lecture: Monday 10:15-12:00
Dept. Seminar Room

Targil: Monday 12:00-13:00
Dept. Seminar Room

Dr. Hagit Hel-Or
Office: 118
Office Hours: Monday 16:00-17:00

TA: Oren Kapah

Final Grades

Grades can be found HERE.


This course is an introduction to Computer Graphics. The course is intended for undergraduate students and advanced students interested in a background in this field. Course requirement is a background in mathematics (linear algebra A, Calculus A).

The course introduces the area of Computer Graphics and presents classical tools and algorithms in the field including 2D and 3D Transformations, Projections and Viewing in 3D, Solid Modelling, Illumination, Ray Tracing, Texture Mapping etc.

See syllabus for more detail on course content.
See also the list of course books.

Special Lecture

On Monday 25/5/98 there will be a special lecture given by Yigal Eilam from Tecnomatix Technologies ltd.
Time: Monday 25/5 at 11:00
Location: The Multimedia Seminar Room - Room 218 in the Computing Center building (Southern wing of the Math and CS building).
More details can be found here.

This lecture is compulsory for Computer Graphics students.


There will be several (3-4) homework assignments throughout the course which will be performed in C++ using a graphics library and using OpenGL. A final exam will conclude the course. Final grade will depend on the homework, and final exam.


Homework Set #1

Homework Set #2

Final Project

Course Notes

Lectures will be given using overhead slides (SHKAFIM). A copy of the slides will be available in the library for photo-copying. The slides are based on and courtesy of Dr. Danny Lischinski, Dept. of Computer Science Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Lesson 1:
Introduction and survey.
Drawing Primitives in 2D.
Lesson 2:
Geometrical transformations in 2D.


Computer Graphics - Applications
Computer Graphics - Examples
Hardware Devices
2D Geometrical transformations
Rotation, Reflection, Shear, Scale, Translation
Scan Conversion of lines and circles
Line and Polygon Clipping
Polygon filling
3D Geometrical transformations
Rotation, Reflection, Shear, Scale, Translation
Projections and viewing in 3D
3D Viewing
Interaction paradigms in 3D
Visible surface algorithms
3D clipping
The OpenGL viewing pipeline
Color Spaces
3D Solid Modelling
3D Models and Representations
Curves and surfaces
Illumination and shading
Ray tracing
Texture mapping

Course Books

Computer Graphics Principles and Practice / Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes
Second Edition in C. Addison Wesley, 1996.
Computer Graphics / Hearn and Baker
Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics / Rogers and Adams
Second edition, McGraw-Hill, 1990.

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