scene file (ending with .scn):
n // n is the number of vertices (integer)
v0x v0y // vertex coordinates (real numbers)
v(n-1)x v(n-1)y
m // m is the number of edges (integer)
e01 e02 // vertex numbers (integers)
e(m-1)1 e(m-1)2
view file (ending with .viw):
_Origin_ ox oy // coordinates of center of window (real numbers)
_Direction_ a // angle of window in degrees from the positive x (real)
_Size_ ww wh // width and height of window (real numbers)
_Resolution_ vw vh // width and height of viewport in pixels (integers)
Programs that will not handle the formats correctly will not be graded.
Example input files: example.scn ,
example.viw .
We are aware of the fact that this specification may be incomplete. If you have any questions or problems, e-mail them to the TA, and stay tuned to future modifications and corrections.