Use a clear, well modularized programming style.
Provide a short documentation for each module.
How To
Use the OpenGl/Mesa graphics package provided for Ex2.
Libraries and example files are on sunshine.
An example source code which uses OpenGl and Makefile are available:
Example source file: bounce.c ,
Makefile: Makefile .
In order that your application would run properly you should run the following
command before running application.
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/Mesa-2.6/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
This command should be executed only once.
The project involves completing the following steps:
Develop the script - the "story" of the animation sequence
should be developed including the geometric objects involved, the
interaction between the objects and the choreography of the sequence.
Decide on motion of camera and lighting change. Possibly change in
object properties (such as object color, transparency, texture).
Possibly change in background scenery.
Build the object models - write routines using the OpenGl
library to create the geometric models involved in the animation sequence.
Object properties (such as color, transparency etc) should also be
included at this stage. If texture mapping is used, the textures should
be built or incorporated (such as from an image file).
The more complex the objects, and the routines required to create
these objects, the higher the grade (see below).
Produce the animation sequence - write the routines that
manipulate the objects and the scene parameters to produce the
final animation sequence.
The project should be submitted by 5/8/98.
You may work in pairs.
All the files should be in a directory ~you/graphics/project. The
directory should contain:
The source and run files. Also any additional data files (such as
image files used for texture mapping, etc).
A README file listing the students name and ID who are
submitting the exercise. The file should also contain a list of the files
in the directory and what each file contains.
If special attention is to be given to certain aspects of the animation
sequence it should be noted here.
E-mail the README file + the name of the directory containing
the source and run files to:
A CREDIT file which gives a brief summary of the
animation sequence "story".
The special effects used to create the sequence should also be mentioned.
Finally in this file, the credits should be detailed, i.e. describe in details
which student was responsible for each of the production stages (listed
We are aware of the fact that this specification may be incomplete. If
you have any questions or problems, e-mail them to the TA, and stay tuned
to future modifications and corrections.
The grade of the final project will be 50% of the final grade (the 2
exercises will be 50% of the final grade).
The project will be reviewed interactively, possibly with the students present.
The grade of the project will be given as follows: