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The newest announcements are always on top. Updates to other sections of the course homepage will not necessarily be reflected here, but administrative updates, schedule or venue changes, etc., will.
[2006/08/21] The review of Moed A exam has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 29, 12:00 - 13:00, in Jacobs 409 (the adjunct faculty office next to the secretariat). There is no need to register, just show up. Moed B is scheduled for Friday, September 8, 8:30AM. The room will be announced later.
[2006/08/15] Due to the special security circumstances and the changes in the University schedules, and after consultations with the Department, it has been decided to cancel the project defense. The projects will be graded based on the submitted material. This has also been communicated to the class via the University's bulletin board. The new date for Moed B, as well as the date and time of Moed A review and consultation, will be announced by the University in due course.
[2006/07/22] Here is the list of teams who submitted the project (no names, IDs only for privacy). If anyone has submitted the project but is not on the list below, please contact Oleg.
The project defense will take place on August 21, Rooms 413 (Lab) and 409, Jacobs Building. We cannot schedule the defense during the exam period, and in the first half of August the University is closed, hence the delay. The announcement has been published on the bulletin board as well. The defense will start at 9AM. Hananel will handle the schedule. Each team has until July 15 to send him an email with the preferences in terms of the hour (15 minutes per team). Offer alternatives if you can. Hananel will schedule all the teams after he gets your preferences, and we'll publish the schedule.
[2006/07/14] As some of you requested, a possible sequence of commands similar to what I demonstrated earlier today in class is here. The commands actually work for me - I did this all several times to verify it works. However, in your particular setting (different environment, different image, etc.) some of the things may differ. Do not expect all of this to work for you exactly as shown, consult the appropriate documentation, etc.
[2006/07/13] The additional lecture tomorrow (June 14) will take place in the Linux Lab rather than in a classroom. The time is not changed: 2PM to 4PM.
[2006/07/13] Several students pointed out a bug in the QEMU patch. All those who sent patches will receive bonus points after I verify that the patches are correct. The patch downloadable from the web site was fixed.
[2006/06/5] The submission date for the project is extended to midnight June 20, 2006.
[2006/05/30] There will be an additional lecture on June 14, 2PM to 4PM, in Room 320, Terrace building, in lieu of the cancelled lectures on May 28 and June 4.
[2006/05/20] Plase note that there will be no lectures on May 28 or June 4, as I will be abroad attending a conference. There will be an additional lecture scheduled instead.
[2006/05/20] Some tips and tricks on building QEMU have been added to the Project page.
[2006/05/14] A couple of typos and a broken link have been fixed in the Project page. In particular, please note that applying a patch involved input redirection (e.g., patch -p1 < ../qemu-wc.patch). The "<" sign was missing, and this may have confused some of you - you could see the shell "hang" on the incorrectly issued command, not even showing the prompt, because patch was waiting for input. I am sorry for causing this confusion. However, I hope this will teach you the habit of checking the actual command documentation when you see something weird: even your lecturer is not infallible...
[2006/05/13] The lecture on May 14 will feature a guest lecturer - Muli Ben-Yehuda of IBM Haifa Research Lab. Muli is one of the top Israeli Linux kernel developers, and he will talk about development of Linux kernel drivers. The talk will be directly relevant to the course project. In the beginning of the lecture we will finish the topic of I/O from Lecture 8. We will discuss RAID, and possibly - if we have time - Storage Attached Networks (SAN). Muli will start his lecture around 9:45AM.
[2006/05/06] The course project definition has been updated on the Project page. The device implementation has been provided as a patch to QEMU, and the only part that you need to implement for the project is a driver for the device. This means, however, that you need to do it in QEMU.
[2006/05/01] This is an important announcement regarding the homework exercise. The exercise implies using existing synchronization mechanisms such as semaphores. The students who attempted to implement a locking mechanism themselves using shared variables or another such technique are invited to look again at Slide 13 of Lecture 3 and think why it will not work. (Hint: invent a scenario with context switches in which mutual exclusion is broken; discuss how semaphores fix the problem. Of course, it was discussed during the lecture.) Since there apparently was a miscommunication between the TA and the class, the submission deadline is extended further. Moreover, since there is now an overlap between the homework and the project, the terms of the exercise are changed as follows:
[2006/04/29] The course project definition has been uploaded to the Project page. The project, its goals, its contents, and the related administrivia will be explained in the beginning of the lecture on April 30, 2006.
[2006/03/11] The Project page has some information about the different ways to run Linux on your computer without destroying the existing system(s). This should help you start preparing yourselves for the project.
[2006/03/11] Please note that starting from 2006/03/12 the lectures will take place in Room 726 in the Main Building.
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