Computational Complexity (Spring 2009)
This course describes attempts to answer a fundamental
question of CS namely: What can computers solve efficiently?
Some Bibliography:
While the course does not follow one book in a precise order,
most of the material can be found in the following two books (that are available
online). I will point to relevant section in the books when teaching the
Some of the topics (at least in the beginning of the course)
are also covered in the following books.
- Computational Complexity by Christos Papadimitriou.
- Introduction to the theory of computation by Michael
Exercise are given so that you can make sure that you
understand the material. Submitting the exercises is not mandatory. I will check
a small sample of the questions in each exercise and will give grades. The
exercise grade will be 10% of the final grade. (The exercise grade will not be
used if it reduces the final grade.
- Lecture 1:
- High level description of the course's objectives and the
achievements of complexity theory.
- Reminder of time complexity and the classes P,NP.
- Space complexity: (basics). The material can be found in Part I chapter 4 in Arora-Barak,
or Chapter 5 in Goldreich. Most of this material is also available in
Sipser's and Papadimitriou's books.
- 3-SAT in linear space.
- Definition of TMs that run in space << n.
- Example: Addition in space O(log n).
- Definition of L, NL, PSPACE, NPSPACE.
- Example: directed connectivity in NL.
- NSPACE(s(n)) in TIME(2^{O(s(n))})
(configuration graphs). (corollary: NL in P).
- Savich's theroem: NSPACE(s(n)) in SPACE(s(n)^2).
(corollary NPSPACE=PSPACE).
- Directed and undirected connectivity in
nondeterministic space O(log n).
- A randomized algorithm for undirected connectivity
in logspace (no proof yet).
- Lecture 2:
- Space complexity: The class NL (Part I chapter 4 in Arora-Barak).
- Definition of NL using logarithmic space verifiers and
- directed connectivity in NL (proof using certificates).
- Composition of functions that are computable in logspace.
- Logspace reductions. Definition, the notion of NL
completeness and comparison to poly-time reductions.
- Directed connectivity is complete for NL.
- NL=co-NL: We showed this by showing that the complement
of directed connectivity is in NL.
- Lecture 3:
- Space complexity: The class NL (continued). The material
can be found in Part I chapter 4 in Arora-Barak.
- The problem 2-SAT.
- 2-SAT in P.
- 2-SAT in NL.
- 2-SAT is NL complete.
- Space complexity: The class PSPACE.
- Quantified formulae and the problem TQBF.
- PSPACE completeness.
- TQBF is complete for PSPACE.
- Interpretation of TQBF as a 2-player game.
- Lecture 4:
- Diagonalization. The material can be found in Part I
chapter 3 in Arora-Barak.
- The idea of diagonzlization.
- The deterministic time hierarchy theorem.
- The deterministic time hierarchy theorem. (Corollary
P <> EXP).
- The space time hierarchy theorem. (Corollary L<>PSPACE).
- The nondeterministic time hierarchy theorem. (Delayed
- Lecture 5:
- Diagonalization (continued)
- Oracles and relativization. (Definitions and examples).
- The statement P=NP does not relativize. (Part I
chapter 3 in Arora-Barak).
- Philosophical discussion of the meaning of relativization.
- The polynomial time Hierarchy. The material can be
found in Part I chapter 5 in Arora-Barak.
- Definition of the polynomial time hierarchy.
- The hierarchy collapse if Pi_i=Sigma_i or if PH has a
complete problem.
- SAT not in TISP(n^{1.2},n^{0.2}) (statement only, proof
next week).
- Lecture 6:
- SAT not in TISP(n^{1.2},n^{0.2})
- Boolean circuits (Chapter 6 in Arora-Barak).
- Circuits and circuit families.
- Uniform circuits.
- Nonuniform Turing machines and P/poly.
- The Karp-Lipton theorem: NP in P/poly implies PH
- Definition of AC0 and NC.
- Relation to parallel computation.
- Lecture 7: Circuit lower bounds.
- Parity not in AC0 (proof using the Razborov-Smolensky
method of approximations see chapter 15 in Arora-Barak).
- Lecture 8: Probabilistic computation (chapter 8 in Arora-Barak)
- Review of probability theory.
- The Chernoff inequality and sampling.
- Randomized quicksort.
- Polynomial identity testing and Schwartz-Zippel.
- Finding a perfect matching in randomized NC.
- Definition of randomized algorithms.
- The classes BPP and RP.
- Error reduction for randomized algorithms (statement