Dan Gordon - Software

CARP-CG Parallel Algorithm
This software package contains the CARP-CG algorithm [1], and the setup routines to run it on all the problems in references [1-4] below. A detailed README is included.

Mar. 4, 2012: CARP-CG for various problems involving the Helmholtz equation, including the SEG/EAGE salt model, can be downloaded from carpcg-helm.tar.gz

Nov. 22, 2012: The CGMN algorithm [5, 6] (CARP-CG on a single processor) for solving linear systems provided in Matrix Market format: cgmn.tar.gz. A detailed README is included. Last update: Dec. 19, 2018.



  1. D. Gordon and R. Gordon.
    CARP-CG: a robust and efficient parallel solver for linear systems, applied to strongly convection dominated PDEs.
    Parallel Computing 36:9, Sept. 2010, 495-515.

  2. D. Gordon and R. Gordon.
    Solution methods for nonsymmetric linear systems with large off-diagonal elements and discontinuous coefficients.
    Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 53:1, Nov. 2009, 23-45.

  3. D. Gordon and R. Gordon.
    Parallel solution of high-frequency Helmholtz equations using high-order finite difference schemes.
    Applied Mathematics & Computation 218:21, July 2012, 10737-10754.

  4. D. Gordon and R. Gordon.
    Robust and highly scalable parallel solution of the Helmholtz equation with large wave numbers.
    J. of Computational & Applied Mathematics 237:1, Jan. 2013, 182-196.

  5. Å. Björck and T. Elfving.
    Accelerated projection methods for computing pseudoinverse solutions of systems of linear equations. BIT 19, 1979, 145-163.

  6. D. Gordon and R. Gordon.
    CGMN revisited: robust and efficient solution of stiff linear systems derived from elliptic partial differential equations. (Preprint with color figures.)
    ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software 35:3, Oct. 2008, pages 18:1-18:27.

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