הפקולטה למדעי החברה  

 החוג למדעי המחשב      





Computer Science Colloquium


Colloquia take place on Wednesdays, 14:15.
Unless specified otherwise, colloquia are held in Room 303 Jacobs Building.
Talks are approximately one hour long, with some additional time for discussion.

Directions: click here for the University transportation pages. You can also consult a campus map (JPG or PDF).

Announcements: if you want to be on our mailing list and receive notices of upcoming talks, add yourself to the list.

Wednesday 30/3/2011

Roy Schwartz, Technion

Title:  Min-Max Graph Partitioning and Small Set Expansion.


Wednesday 23/2/2011

Adi Akavia, Weizmann Institute of Science

Title:  Cryptography Resilient to Memory Attacks


Wednesday 16/2/2011

Ofer Neiman, Computer Science Depatment, Princeton University

Title:  Geometry and Metric Embedding in Computer Science


Wednesday 2/2/2011

Yoav Etsion, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)

Title:  Task Superscalar Multiprocessors


Wednesday 26/1/2011

Rony Goldenthal, Department of Computer Science, Hebrew University

Title:  Simulation of Inextensible Cloth


Thursday 20/1/2011 *** NOTE SPECIAL DAY, TIME, AND PLACE ***

Sergei Nirenburg, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Title:   Artificial Minds and Simulated Bodies


Wednesday 19/1/2011

Gabriel Nivasch, ETH Zurich

Title:   Stabbing Simplices and Convex Sets


Wednesday 5/1/2011

Igor Razgon, Computer Science Department, University of Leicester

Title:   Parameterized complexity of graph separation problems: current results and further challenges


Thursday 30/12/2010 *** NOTE SPECIAL DAY, TIME, AND PLACE ***

Mirela Ben-Chen, Computer Science Department, Stanford University

Title:   AKVFs . A New Computational Tool for Approximate Shape Isometries


Wednesday 22/12/2010

Danny Hermelin, Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik

Title:   A (biased) overview of parameterized complexity.


Tuesday 21/12/2010 12:15 *** NOTE SPECIAL DAY, TIME, AND PLACE ***

Inon Zukerman, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland

Title:   Bridging game-theory and AI: Lessons from Interdisciplinary Research


Wednesday 15/12/2010

Lee-Ad Gottlieb, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Title:   Efficient Classification for Metric Data


Thursday 2/12/2010 10:15 at CRI (room 570 Education building) * SPECIAL TIME AND PLACE *

Yoram Bachrach, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK

Title:   Cooperation, Power and Conspiracies


Wednesday 1/12/2010

Robert Krauthgamer , Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Weizmann Institute of Science

Title:   Polylogarithmic Approximation for Edit Distance and the Asymmetric Query Complexity

Wednesday 24/11/2010

Roberto Grossi , Department of Information, University of Pisa

Title:   Combinatorics on Compressed Suffix Arrays

Wednesday 17/11/2010

Oren Weimann , Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Weizmann Institute of Science

Title:  Fault-tolerant Shortest Paths and Minumum Spanning Trees


Wednesday 10/11/2010

Muli Ben-Yehuda, IBM Research Haifa

Title:  The Turtles Project: Design and Implementation of Nested Virtualization


Wednesday 27/10/2010

No Seminar


Wednesday 20/10/2010

Alex Lopez-Ortiz , Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Title:  TBA



Colloquium Web Pages of Previous Years:

2009-2010 Colloquia

2008-2009 Colloquia

2007-2008 Colloquia

2006-2007 Colloquia

2005-2006 Colloquia

2004-2005 Colloquia

2003-2004 Colloquia

2002-2003 Colloquia

University of Haifa Computer Science Colloquium, http://cs.haifa.ac.il/colloq/colloq.html
Maintained by Rachel Kolodny   trachel at cs dot haifa dot ac dot il.
Last modified: 13/12/2010.