Project 5: Recognition of specular, transparent objects illuminated by multiple light sources





Extend specular recognition algorithm described in “Using specularities for recognition”, M. Osadchy, D.W. Jacobs and R. Ramamoorthi  to multiple light sources.

        Collect a test set of several rotationally symmetric glass objects (at least 5):

        -  Take images of these objects filled with opaque  liquid for 3D model construction from 2D object boundary.

        -  Take 3 images of each object with 2 and 3 light sources and different backgrounds.

        Test the algorithm on these objects.


The detection results should be presented as a confusion matrix:


Object 1

Object 2

Object …

Image 1

Object with the best score




Image 2




Image 3




Each cell corresponds to the algorithm decision regarding image j of object i. If the algorithm recognizes the object correctly in all the images the object’s column will all be filled with object’s number. If algorithm makes an error in some image, the corresponding cell will show the number of the object that it recognized in the image.

Data sets


You should photograph the images in the following settings:

1.     The room should be dark.

2.     The objects should be from thin glass and  rotationally symmetric about the vertical axis.

3.     Place 2,3 lamps around (not behind) the object and not too close to the object. Place the lamps in such a way that you can observe the highlights from all the lamps on the object. (I suggest showing the images to me before you proceed further with the experiments).

4.     Place the camera far enough from the object and use camera zooming to make the object larger.

5.     Don’t move the camera and the object between taking images, to avoid alignment work.

6.     Manually extract the boundary of the object from the image with the opaque liquid.

7.     I will provide the MATLAB script for constructing the 3D shape of the object and alignment tool. (Contact me to get the scripts).

8.     All three images should be taken with different textured background containing white areas (in order to make it harder for the recognition algorithm).


Useful Links

Class lecture on illumination

Book chapter on reflection

Some extra slides on reflection



Claimed by Michal and Roni