University of Haifa

Moran Feldman

 Moran Feldman

 The Department of Computer Science 

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Haifa. Previously, I was a faculty member at the Open University of Israel and a post-doc at EPFL under the supervision of Prof. Ola Svensson. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. My Ph.D. advisor was Prof. Seffi Naor. I received my M.Sc. and B.A. in Computer Science from the Open University of Israel. My M.Sc. advisor was Prof. Zeev Nutov.

Updated: July 2024

Contact Information

Department of Computer Science
University of Haifa
67 Hanamal St.
Haifa 3303221, Israel

Office: A'mir Building 113
Phone: 04-8249728
E-mail: moranfe[at]cs[dot]haifa[dot]ac[dot]il

Research Interest

My main area of research is algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems in offline and online settings.

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