Final Project Submission Instructions:
4 directories:
Code –all code files, include libraries,
scripts, example runs, demos, etc.
Code should be well
documented (head of each file as well as within the code).
Include a readme file
describing the layout of the code (Modules, Functions etc).
Docs – The Project report.
The User-Guide should explain
how to use the program.
Video Clip
Project Diary (PPTX)
Data – Input data for the program. May include input images, example images or
other input data.
Web – Directory including all files needed for the webpage. Should be stand alone - i.e. include all
link files and images used in
the webpages.
Final Project will include:
* A Project Report
* Web Page
* Video Clip
* Code
* Demos
* Documentation
Web page should include explanations of your project, background on the
problem, your approach and solution,
and results (see examples). Web page should be
Goal – PROMOTING and ADVERTISING your project (through the lab web page).
Project report should describe the project, expand the web page and give details. Include description of the
implementation, (possibly screen shot of the application), experimental
results, further details, conclusions, and references.
Code should be clean, organized and documented. There should be a
Readme file describing the layout of the
code: code files and what each function does. There should also be a UserGuide explaining how to use the
code, including a specific example (example data should also be submitted).
Demos –allows an example running of the project.
Video Clip – The demo movie is for PROMOTING and ADVERTISING your project (through the lab web page).
What should be in the demo movie:
1) Title of your project with your names
2) What the project is about / BG on the problem
3) How you solved the problem / what you did in the project|
4) Results
5) ending scene (thank you or your title
again or "for more info see....")
Make it a "showy" movie, colors, titles visuals
Make sure frames and scenes are long enough for viewer to red/understand
You can add audio - narrator with explanations, or music (but dont go crazy with the music please - keep it subtle)
Grading: Grading will be according to the items listed in the GradePoints.