Image Re-coloring
by example
Reported by Ron Yano and Mariann Normatov, July
Based on Colorization by Example, - R.Irony, D.Cohen-Or, and D.Lischinski, Eurographics symposium on
Rendering (2005)
What is this project all
More information on the algorithm
What is this project all about?
In our project we have implemented a technique
for colorizing grayscale images by example .Given the input grayscale image and reference
colored image (example), we are transferring the chromatic channels from the example to the grayscale image in
few stages process. The result is - providing to the grayscale image automatic
micro-scribbles as a preparation to the
final colorization stage based on Levin algorithm.
Color old “black and white”
images to different color plate.
Quick overview
The reference image is segmented according to the different regions in the image. Each region is assigned a label and is used in the subsequent supervised classification scheme for segmentation of the input image. Features are extracted from the input and reference image. The input image regions are classified using a two step process, voting in feature space and in image space. Finally the colors with a high computed "confidence" are transferred from the reference image to the input image, and then fed as input to the optimization step.
Detailed solution
and approaches
Input and
Two images of
cheetah illustrated above are chosen as the input and reference image
The reference image
is converted to the luminance channel and then segmented by k-means algorithm,
given the parameter k.
Each segment is
associated with its own label.
Ø Feature Extraction
We compute DCT of kxk
neighborhood for each pixel in the reference image, matching it to its label
and create in a such way a feature space.
We also compute DCT
of each pixel in the input image, for classification stage.
DCT coefficients are simple texture
descriptor, which is not too sensitive to translation and rotation.
Ø Classification
We first classify a
novel feature vector by Knn algorithm using major voting method. Knn alg. is
applied on the previously
computed feature space. However, this
approach leads to many erroneous pixel classifications. Therefore we switch
unique technique to low-dimensional
feature space and only then perform the classification by Knn.
A low-dimensional
space switching approach, based on examining the differences between the
vectors within the same class
and differences between vectors
belonging to the different classes. This method is performed by applying
two-stage PCA
on the initial feature space. The advantage are illustrated below:
Ø Image Space Voting
As we can see,
still many pixels of input image are misclassified. To improve our results we consider
N(p), the kxk neighborhood
around a
pixel p in the input image. We replace the label of p with the dominant
label in N(p). The dominant label is the
label with the highest confidence value conf(p,l).
The confidence of pixel p with label l is defined as : ,
when W denotes the weightings,
which is
calculated as: .
The confidence conf(p,l) is typically high
in neighborhoods where all (or most) pixels are labeled l, and low on
boundaries between regions, or in other difficult spots. The improvement
are illustrated below:
Color Transform and
After classifying each
pixel of the input image, the color of p is given by: ,
where is the nearest
neighbor of p in the feature space, which has the same label as p.
As a final
stage, we optimized the color transfer by providing colorization only to pixels
with high
confidence value (conf
> 0.5).
(a) Walking
(b) Smiling
(c) Eating Zebra
(d) Satellite
(e) Tree Stem
project implemented by Normatov Mariann and Yano Ron, Bcs. Students at Computer
Science Dep.,Haifa Uni.
This is the final project in course Computational Photography.
The project was supervised by prof.
Hagit Hel-Or,
More information on the
© 2014 Mariann Normatov, Ron Yano.