Change Eye Gaze Direction
/ Open Closed Eyes

Abstract | Goal | Methods | Results | Future Improvements | About


It has been, always, a big challenge, when taking a picture, to have an appropriate gaze, and a good eyes’ direction, avoiding eyes’ blink and red eyes. Unfortunately, those important elements are not achieved in most pictures.
In our project, we intend to overcome these technical artifacts, in order to have a better picture.
We took a face picture with “damaged” eyes, detected the eyes region, found suitable eyes to this particular face, from a predefined dataset, and “implanted” each eye in it’s appropriate place (instead of the original eyes).


Our goal is to “correct unsuccessful” face pictures, and get them to the best situation they could be.

Our vision is to see this new idea, becoming a practical and useful feature in all kinds of cameras, so that regular people can use it to have better pictures for themselves and their beloved ones.


To implement our project we use several methods as:


Here we present some results of various runs of the program.
Good results - pictures of people who do not have other pictures in the database:

Good results - pictures of people who do have other pictures in the database:

Poor matching (finding a lookalike that is not similar), resulting poor results. though, implanting the eyes works great:

Good matching (finding the most similar lookalike), but, implanting the eyes is not good enough (the eyes region is not in the same shape):

Future Improvements 

As you can see, this feature is not illumination invariant, though the detectors and the face verifier are, the final results may have difference in colors as result of different illumination sources or strength. Therefore, a possible future improvements will be finding a "good" way for blending the eye region while making sure to change the "lookalike" picture to fit the "damaged" picture colors.

Also, it would be better if we improve the face verifier. At first we thought about implementing one, from a paper named: "Attribute and Simile Classifiers for Face Verification", this method works great and can be changed to fit our needs more, but this would have been a whole project itself.


Final Project in Computational Photography course, Department of Computer Science, Haifa University; Submitted by Areej Khoury, Ameer Abu-Zhaya, and Bahjat Musa - July 2014