Proposal - Instructions
Project proposal should be about 1 page long
1) Title
2) Brief Description of Project goals - what will the final system do.
3) Methods.
a) Hardware you will be using
b) Describe the various system
parts, what system/codes/toolboxes you will rely on and integrate
into your system.
c) Describe how these modules
d) Expected Challenges
e) Possible solutions for the
f) Other methods that were considered
4) Time line plan
Title: Face
Recognition System
End Goal:
A real time system to recognize faces.
Two Operation Modes:
1) Training:
a) given
a set of images + associated information (name etc),
adds them to DB
b) A single user interactively
viewed through system camera is captured and image is
added to DB.
User also supplies
associated information.
2) Run time:
Users face the system camera
and the system attempts to recognize the
System provides Audio + Text response on screen.
If user is not recognized
system requests user to initiate image acquisition for new user.
RGB web cam and laptop will be used.
The system will rely on OpenPose Face detection functions, together with OpenCV Face training and learning.
DB management will be based on Pythons DBtool.
Project will be implemented in Python
How they work:
Face detection is based on Viola Jones face
Training and retrieval use Bag of Words.
The system must work under various illumination conditions.
System must allow large variations in appearance including:
face expression, hair cut,
glasses, hats and more.
Possible solutions to Challenges:
Normalize input images, (color and lighting) and perform image
Allow multi classes for a single person.
Possibly will require modules for eye glass
Other methods that were considered :
OpenCV's raw face recognition functions.
Python's Face recognition API
Matlab's Face recognition system.
Time line Plan:
* Camera installation and setup - 1 week
* Code installation - 1 week
* Testing on sample images - 2 weeks
* Mid proposal demo
* Real world testing - will place system in lab - have students test the
system - 2 weeks
* Rap up - Rap up the system for export:
- 1 week
* Clean
code, add comments and documentation
* Write up installation instructions
*Write up user instructions
* Write up Project report