Laboratory in natural language processing, Spring 2005/06


Shuly Wintner, Office hours: Wednesday 12:00-13:00, Jacobs 403. Phone: (828)8180.
Wednesday, 9:00-12:00.
Jacobs 201.
Some of the projects assume knowledge in computational linguistics, but others require no special background.
3 credits for graduate students, 4 credits for undergraduates. The Lab is considered a final project for undergraduates.


The Lab offers a number of practical projects in Natural Language Processing, focusing on (but not limited to) processing of Hebrew. Some projects require previous knowledge of computational linguistics but some assume no previous background. All projects involve programming: the end result is a relatively large-scale, well-documented and efficient software package. Some of the projects may involve also some research (e.g., reading a research paper and implementing its ideas).

The Syllabus provides detailed description of the projects.

Projects are to be implemented by groups of at most two students. All work must be completed by the end of the semester. All systems will be presented at the end of the semester for a final demo. The programming language must be portable enough to be usable on a variety of platforms; Java is recommended, C++ or Perl will be tolerated, if you have a different language in mind discuss it with the instructor.

Grading will be based on comprehension of the problem, quality of the implementation and quality of the documentation. In particular, the final grade will be based on:


January 23th, 2006
Web site open. Syllabus available.

Laboratory in natural language processing,
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