\documentstyle[11pt]{article} %\documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{empty} \title{Computational Models for Syntactic Analysis - Their Fitness for Writing a Computational Grammar for Hebrew} \author{Shuly Wintner \\ shuly@techunix.bitnet \and Uzzi Ornan \\ ornan@cs.technion.ac.il} \date{} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} %\maketitle \begin{center} {\Large\bf Computational Models for Syntactic Analysis - \\ Their Fitness for Writing a Computational \\ Grammar for Hebrew } \end{center} \begin{abstract} \pagestyle{empty} In the past ten years many grammatical formalisms have been developed. A grammatical formalism is a formal tool by which grammars for natural languages can be written. Most of the formalisms are based on linguistic theories; some of them were used, together with an implementation of a parsing algorithm, to produce a {\em parser-generator} -- a computational model for developing parsers. In this work we describe and evaluate some of these models, namely PATR, Generalized LR Parser/Compiler and Slot Grammar. As our main interest is to devise a computational grammar for Hebrew, our point of view will be that of the grammar-writer. Our criteria will be the tools with which the formalisms provide the grammar writer and the ease of writing a grammar using these tools. Among the topics we discuss are the importance and limitations of unification as an operation on feature structures, the limitations of phrase structure rules as a framework for describing the grammar of languages with free word order, the need for special tools to deal with words that do not constitute a lexical item and other issues. We'll use examples from a grammar for Hebrew that is currently being developed. As a consequence we'll try to sketch some of the properties of a `good' computational model for syntactic analysis. \end{abstract} \pagestyle{empty} \section*{} \mbox{} \end{document}