\title{Computational Syntactic Analysis of Hebrew Sentences} \author{Shuly Wintner\thanks{Current Address: IBM Science and Technology, Haifa, Israel 32000} \, and Uzzi Ornan\\ Computer Science, Technion\\ Haifa, Israel 32000.} \date{} \maketitle \begin{abstract} In recent years many linguistic theories have been developed which describe the ways by which a grammar for natural languages should be defined. As an outcome of these theories {\em grammatical formalisms} have been developed. Many of these formalisms were combined with parsing algorithms and were implemented as {\em parser compilers} - systems in which the grammar writer defines the rules of the language, according to the formalisms, and a parser for the language is automatically generated. The task of designing a parser for a specified natural language was now shifted to the problem of designing its grammar in certain formal ways. This paper describes the results of a project whose aim was to design a formal grammar for modern Hebrew. Such a formal grammar has never been developed before. Since most of the work on grammatical formalisms was done without regarding Hebrew (and other Semitic languages as well) we had to choose a formalism that would best fit writing a grammar for Hebrew. This part of the project has been described elsewhere. In this paper we describe the details of the grammar we developed. The grammar deals with simple, subordinate and coordinate sentences as well as interrogative sentences. Some structures were thoroughly dealt with, among which are noun phrases, verb phrases, adjectival phrases, relative clauses, object and adjunct clauses; many types of adjuncts; subcategorization of verbs; coordination; numerals, etc. For each phrase the parser produces a description of the structure tree of the phrase as well as a representation of the syntactic relations in it. Many examples of Hebrew phrases are demonstrated, together with the structure the parser assigns them. In cases where more than one parse is produced, the reasons of the ambiguity are described. \end{abstract}