PMAA2012 ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Presenting author: Dan Gordon Co-authors: Eli Turkel, Rachel Gordon and Semyon Tsynkov Abstract number: 18 TITLE: Parallel implementation of compact sixth order schemes for the Helmholtz equation with variable wave number ABSTRACT: Solving the Helmholtz equation at high frequencies is notoriously difficult. The problem is compounded by the ``pollution effect'', according to which the required number of intervals per domain side is proportional to $k^{(p+1)/p}$, where $k$ is the wave number and $p$ is the order of accuracy of the finite difference discretization scheme. Hence, high order schemes have a clear advantage with large wave numbers. Ideally, the high order schemes should be compact, meaning that they require only a 9-point stencil in 2D and and a 27-point stencil in 3D. For many practical problems in various areas such as geophysics, the problems are huge and three-dimensional, so direct methods are not viable. Furthermore, such problems are usually set in heterogeneous domains, resulting in a variable wave number. This work presents compact 2D and 3D sixth order schemes for the Helmholtz equation with variable wave number. The new schemes were tested on 2D and 3D problems with variable wave numbers and known analytic solutions, showing that at high frequencies, the new schemes were far superior to the 2nd order scheme. Implemented with the parallel CARP-CG algorithm, the compact schemes do not require more inter-processor communications than the 2nd order schemes.