Hyperspectral Imaging – Seminar

Computer Science 203.3775
Semester B, 2023-2024
Wednesday 16:00-18:00 (start 15:50, end 18:15)

The topic of this seminar is Hyperspectral Imaging. A Hyperspectral Image (HI) is an image for which every pixel is associated with a spectrum, i.e. a large number of values representing intensity at different spectral wavelengths (e.g. 316 values rather than RGB).

In this seminar we will learn how HI are created, what are they used for, issues related to HI such as classification, segmentation, denoising, target detection and more.

NOTE: Due to short semester – lessons will be longer. They will start at 15:50 and end 18:15.

Course Requirements
Students must fulfill the following two requirements:
1)  Full participation (NOCHECHUT HOVA) in all lectures at all meetings. No exceptions will be allowed.
    Officially excused students (MILUIM) who miss any part of any of the meetings will not receive a grade
    (even if he/she already gave the presentation) unless they pass an oral quiz on the papers they missed (and
    this will be part of their final grade). A maximum of 2 official exclusions allowed.
    Please note that officially excused students who miss more than 2 lessons will not receive a final grade.

    Students, who feel they will not be able to come to all the classes should

    cancel their participation in the course and do so by the end of the first week of the semester.

    To drop out you must inform me or the CS office as soon as possible.

2) Each student must give an oral presentation on the topic assigned to him/her.
    Presentations will be given in pairs.
    The topics and papers will be assigned at the first seminar meeting. Note that the choice of topic determines
    the date and time of the presentation.
    Note also that the presentation slides must be submitted to me (email) by Sunday morning on the week of the lecture (10 pts/day late penalty).

The List of Seminar Papers can be found here.  

Presentation Guidelines and Examples can be found here.

Presentation from this course can be found here.

Final Grades
Final grades will be computed based on
1) Lecture: 80%
    Understanding - understanding of the material (deduced form the lecture and
             (from questions answered).
    Presentation - Quality of Oral presentation
    Show - Quality of Visible presentation (SHKAFIM etc) and of HASHKA'AH
             (e.g. implementing alg., inventing examples).
2) Pre-Submission of slides  20%
    Completeness of slides, Correct formatting, compliance with guidelines.
    Also correction of slides according to my comments will affect grade.
    See point grading table.

Final Grades will be found here.