Course Books

Foundations of Vision Brian A. Wandell
Sinaur Associates, 1995.
(Hardback. ISBN:0-87893-853-2)
Digital Pictures - Representation, Compression and Standards 2nd Ed/
Arun N. Netravali and Barry G. Haskell
Plenum Press, 1995. (Hardback. ISBN:0-306-44917-X)
Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing / Anil K. Jain
Prentice Hall, 1989. (Hardback. ISBN:0-13-336165-9)
Color in Business Science & Industry 3d Ed / Judd & Wyszecki
Wiley, John & Sons, Inc., 1975. (Hardback. ISBN:0-471-45212-2)
Color Science / Wyszecki & Stiles
Wiley, John & Sons, Inc., 1982. (Hardback. ISBN:0-471-02106-7)
Reproduction of Colour Color 4th Ed / Hunt
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1988. (Hardback. ISBN:0-86343-088-0)