
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Alon Barnea and Tal Hassner.

What does this program do?

What can I use it for?

Where can I get this program?

Who wrote this and why?

More information on the algorithm.


Terms of use.

What does this program do?

Fusion is an image fusion software for MS-Windows. It is used for fusing two images into one, while attempting to best preserve the information from each image. To understand what can be expected from the program, please see the examples further down the page.

What can I use it for?

For example:

Ok, so where can I get this program?

Version can be downloaded from right here! Please read the terms of usage before you download. The program has been tested on a WinXP system, but should work on any NT station. It supports 8bit and 24bit BMP images.

Who wrote this and why?

This program is a workshop project submitted by Alon Barnea as part of his studies for a BA in Computer Science degree at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo. The project was performed under the supervision of Tal Hassner.

More information on the algorithm:

Fusion is an implementation of the algorithm originally described in the paper

Peter J. Burt & Raymond J. Kolczynski; "Enhanced Image Capture Through Fusion", ICCV 1993 pages 173 - 182.

Please see the original text for details. It has been claimed that this algorithm is imperfect, producing "halo artifacts". We believe these artifacts are the result of faulty implementations of the algorithm (e.g., gradient misalignments). We have seen no evidence of such artifacts in results produced by the software available here (see some examples below).


All the following examples were produced using the same, default parameters. Click on the images to see full sized versions.

First input image Second input image Result


Multi-focus photography



Multi-exposure images


Multi-sensor photography Infra-red + visible-light


Picture fusion

The IDF- IR images, the leopard, and "Cramming" examples were all taken from the "Introduction to Computer and Biological Vision" course home page at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

The Library near-IR filtered images were taken from the "Alignment of Non-Overlapping Sequences" project web page, courtesy of Yaron Caspi and Michal Irani.

The "Picture fusion" images were taken from the MATHWORKS site.

The clock images were taken from Metapix.

If you hold the copyright to one of these images and would like it removed from this page, please contact Tal Hassner, and we will remove it immediately.

Terms of use

Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Alon Barnea and Tal Hassner

The SOFTWARE ("Fusion") is provided "as is", without any guarantee made as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may contain bugs, so use of this tool is at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any damage that may unintentionally be caused through its use.

You may not use the source to SOFTWARE or distribute SOFTWARE in any form, without express written permission of the copyright holders.

This page maintained by Tal Hassner.

Last modified: 29-Nov-2005

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