Hue Cancellation Demo

This applet demonstrates the Opponent Colors theory (also known as Hue Cancellation).
To read more about the applet and the methods used to model the Opponent Colors read this.

Applet Instructions

Tab: "Main"

This tab demonstrates the Hue Cancellation experiment.

Experiment Controls - The user is requested to select an axis (Red-Green or Yellow-Blue ) and move along it by pressing the '+' and '-' buttons. The middle patch's color is changed according to the user's selections.
The goal of the experiment is to reach an achromatic color (one that has none of the opponent colors). When the user decides he reached the color, he should press the "Accept" button. A message will display the (R, G, B) values of the accepted achromatic color.

Color Selection - The user can select a the starting color by pressing the "Random" button (to select a random color) or by adjusting the 3 sliders (R, G, B) and pressing the "Set" button.
The user can also decide to re-start the experiment by pressing the "Start Again" button. This button will reset the patch's color to the starting color the user chose.

Tab: "Advanced"

This tab contains advanced configuration that can be set by the user.

Monitor Calibration Matrix - The user can input a calibration matrix for his monitor to control the colors that are displayed by the applet. Once set, the unique colors are re-computed (to match the new calibration matrix) and also the experiment should be re-started.
Note: the calibration matrix needs to be updated whenever the applet is loaded.

Unique Colors - The user can set the XYZ values of the five unique colors used by the applet: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue and White. By setting these values, the user overrides the values computed by using the Calibration Matrix.

Luminance - Determines the luminance value that will be used by each of the modelers. -1 indicates the luminance value will be set to the test color's Y value.

Num Steps - Determines the number of steps it should take from each of the unique colors to the reference white. The default value is 20 and any value which is greater than 0 is valid.

You must install Java Runtime Library 1.4.2 or higher to run this applet.


This applet was written by: Shai Erera and Hagay Pollak from the Haifa University, Computer Science Department, Israel. All rights reserved ©.