- Achromatic color
Color devoid of hue (white, black, grey, neutral).
- Candela, cd
The unit of luminous intensity. The candela is the liminous intensity, in a given
direction, of a source emitting a monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012
Hz, the radiant intensity of which in that direction is equal to 1/683 Watt per steradian.
- Chromatic color
Color exhibiting hue, as opposed to achromatic color.
- Chromaticity coordinates
Ratio of each of a set of tristimulus values to their sum.
- Chromaticity diagram
A two-dimentional diagram in which points specified by chromaticity coordinates
represent the chromaticities of color stimuli.
- CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Êclairage)
The International Commission on Lighting; the body responsible for international
recommendations for photometry and colorimetry.
- CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer
An ideal observer whose color matching properties correspond to the CIE color
matching functions for the 2º field size.
- CIE 1964 supplementary standard colorimetric observer
An ideal observer whose color matching properties correspond to the CIE color
matching functions for the 10º field size.
- CIELAB (CIE L*a*b*) color space
The color space in which L*, a* and b* are plotted at right angles to one
another. Equal distances in the space represent approximately equal color difference.
- CIE primaries
The three standard primaries, defined by CIE in 1931 and called X,
Y, Z, that can be used to match, with only positive
weights, all visible colors. The Y primary is intentionally defined to
have a color-matching function that exactly matches the luminous-efficiency function of
the human eye.
- CIE XYZ color space
The cone-shaped space formed by (x, y, z) weights, that when applied to the CIE
primaries, match any visible color.
- Color matching functions
The tristimulus values of monochromatic stimuli of equal radiant power.
- Color temperature
The temperature of the Planckian radiator whose radiation has the same
chromaticity as that of a given stimulus.
- Complementary colors
Colors that can be additively mixed to produce as achromatic color.
- Complementary wavelength
The wavelength of the monochromatic stimulus that, when additively mixed with the
color stimulus considered, matches the specified achromatic stimulus.
- Cones
Photoreceptors in the retina that contain light-sensitive pigments capable of
initiating the process of photopic vision.
- D illuminants
CIE Standard Illuminants that have a relative spectral power distribution
representing the phases of daylight with different correlated color temperature.
- Dominant wavelength
The wavelength of the color corresponding to the perceptual notion of hue. On the
chromaticity diagram, the dominant wavelength is defined as the wavelength of the point on
the spectral locus, corresponding to the intersection of the locus with a line drawn from
the reference white through the color in question.
- Gamut (color gamut)
The entire range of perceived color that may be obtained under specified
- Lumen, lm
The unit of luminous flux. The lumen is the luminous flux emitted within 1
steradian by a point source having a luminous intensity of 1 candela.
- Purple boundary
The line in a chromaticity diagram that represents additive mixtures of
monochromatic stimuli of wavelengths approximately 380 and 780 nm.
- Saturation
The colorfulness of an area judged in proportion to its brightness.
- Spectrophotometry
Measurements of the relative amounts of radiant flux at each wavelength of the
- Transformation equations
A set of three simultaneous equations used to transform a color specification
from one set of matching stimuli to another.
- Tristimulus values
Amounts of the three matching stimuli, in a given trichromatic system, required
to match the stimulus being considered.
- x,y diagram
Chromaticity diagram in with the (x,y) chromaticity coordinates of the CIE XYZ
system are used.