function img = readImage(fileName); % % img = readImage(fileName) % % Reads a grayscale image from a file. % File is assumed to contain a TIF image % fileName is a string % img - is a grayscale image with values [0..255] % % % Written by Hagit Hel-Or I.D. xxxxxxxx % Last Modified 14/12/98 % if nargin <1 error('USAGE: img = readImage(fileName)'); end; [im,map]=imread(fileName,'tif'); % indexed image - grayscale or RGB if (size(map,1) ~= 0) % use only the Green index img = reshape(map(double(im)+1,2),size(im)); img = round(img.*255); else % non indexed image if (ndims(im) == 2) % grayscale img = round(double(im)); % values are already in 0..255 else % RGB image [or higher dimension] img = round(double(im(:,:,2))); % use only Green image % values are already in 0..255 end; end;