function gradualfft2() img = readImage('lighthouse.tif'); ffs = fftshift(fft2(img)); %the real fft shifted for simmetry ffl = log(abs(ffs)); %the log of fft to be able to see it in good visible proportions %this is a meshgrid to use with the calculation of the round filter [x y] = meshgrid(-1:(2/size(img,1)):1-(2/size(img,1)), -1:(2/size(img,2)):1-(2/size(img,2))); circledist = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2); fimg = figure; set(fimg,'position',[10,10,400,400]); image(img); colormap(gray(256)); ffilter = figure; set(ffilter,'position',[10,420,400,400]); mesh(ffl); [x,y,but]=ginput(1); while (but==1) for i=0:0.1:sqrt(2) filter = (circledist