Multi Port memory or Shared memory ================================= Structure -------------- R/W-ports ==> scrambel-unit ==> communication-network ==> memory-module memory module- a regulare memory module adreses range from 0...k scramble unit- translates an adress (A) from shared space to , communication- network goal ------- Simulate a shared memory space with adresses ranging 0...m*k. Features ------------- - variable number of ports and memory modules - targets m memory modules that can be acessed concurently through n ports (special case m == n) - read requests to the same cell are surved concurrently - write requests to the same cell are surved concurrently - read requests to diffrent cells in the same memory module are served sequentially. There are two options: block at port level or hold requests in buffers of - scramble unit uses universal hashing for psudo-random mapping Possible structures ---------------------- * each module is acessed through * pipeline mode of the communication network