This is a possible sequence of commands similar to the one I demonstrated in class on June 14, 2006. The commands actually work for me - I did this all several times to verify it works. However, in your particular setting (different environment, different image, etc.) some of the things may differ. Do not expect all of what follows to work for you exactly as shown, consult the appropriate documentation, etc. In what follows, "$ " represents the normal user shell prompt on your host machine in the lab, "uml# " is the root shell prompt inside UML, "qemu# " is the root prompt inside qemu. Anything in the command line after "#" (except the # in the root propmpt) is a comment. The outputs of the commands are not shown. $ # let's create a directory for the project $ mkdir project $ cd project $ # download the qemu patch from the course site $ wget $ # download and untar the qemu source $ wget $ tar zxvf qemu-0.8.1.tar.gz $ # apply the patch, as explained on the project page $ cd qemu-0.8.1 $ patch -p1 < ../qemu-wc.patch $ # configure and build qemu $ ./configure --prefix=/home//project/qemu --target-list=i386-softmmu --disable-kqemu --cc=gcc32 $ make $ make install $ # verify that qemu is installed and works (assume an image file was $ # transferred to the project directory, e.g., sarge.img); in particular, $ # you may login as root and try lspci to verify that the device is there $ cd .. $ ls -l qemu/bin $ ./qemu/bin/qemu -hda sarge.img $ # in order to be able to mount the image, convert it to the raw format $ # this may take some time $ ./qemu/bin/qemu-img convert sarge.img -O raw sarge.raw $ # verify that qemu works with the raw image as well $ ./qemu/bin/qemu -hda sarge.raw & $ # download a linux kernel - not necessarily this version $ wget $ # download the configuration file from the project page $ wget $ # build the kernel - here is a possible sequence, more information $ # in the kernel Documentation $ tar jxvf linux- $ cd linux- $ make mrproper $ cp ../kernel-qemu.config .config $ # just use the defaults for all the questions the following command asks $ make oldconfig $ make bzImage $ make modules $ # prepare private directories for the stuff you need to put onto qemu $ mkdir ../boot $ mkdir -p ../lib/modules $ # install the kernel and the modules, if any $ make install INSTALL_PATH=../boot INSTALL_MOD_PATH=.. $ make modules_install INSTALL_PATH=../boot INSTALL_MOD_PATH=.. $ # we are done with kernel compilation $ cd .. $ # transfer the kernel using mount under UML $ # start UML as described on the project page and login as root $ linux con0=fd:0,fd:1 mem=128M ubd0=root_fs_cow,/usr/local/uml/root_fs eth0=tuntap,,, uml# # mount the project space under /project uml# mkdir /project uml# mount none /project -t hostfs -o /home//project uml# ls /project uml# # mount the qemu image uml# mkdir /qemu uml# mount -o loop,offset=32256 -t auto /project/sarge.raw /qemu uml# # copy the contents of /project/boot to /qemu/boot uml# # note: cp -d does not dereference symbolic links uml# cp -d /project/boot/* /qemu/boot uml# # copy the contents of /project/lib/modules to /qemu/lib/modules uml# cp -dr /project/lib/modules/* /qemu/lib/modules uml# # verify that everything is in place uml# ls -l /qemu/boot uml# ls -l /qemu/lib/modules/ uml# # we are through with UML uml# umount /qemu uml# umount /project uml# halt $ # start qemu with the original kernel again $ ./qemu/bin/qemu -hda sarge.raw & qemu# # inside qemu, login as root and verify that the new stuff is there qemu# ls -l /lib/modules/ qemu# ls -l /boot qemu# # note: if your networking is set up correctly (hint, use a qemu# # recent image), you may transfer files from host without UML, qemu# # e.g., as in qemu# # mkdir /lib/modules/ qemu# # cd /lib/modules/ qemu# # scp @* . qemu# # scp -r @ . qemu# # You may also want to build an initial ramdisk (see kernel Documentation): qemu# mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img- qemu# # note: the exact mkinitrd invocation may differ between images qemu# # edit the bootloader's configuration file, e.g., qemu# nano /boot/grub/menu.lst qemu# # duplicate one of the existing entries, and change the title to qemu# # something appropriately descriptive, and point to the right qemu# # kernel and initrd if you use one qemu# # we are done with qemu: qemu# poweroff $ # start qemu again, but this time choose the new kernel in the $ # bootloader menu: $ ./qemu/bin/qemu -hda sarge.raw & From this point on you are equipped to install your modified kernel in qemu. Develop your driver on the host, transfer it to qemu as described above, and load.