University of Haifa

203.2110 Operating Systems

Spring 2010



Lecturer: Dr. Eytan Ronn
TA: Ester Koilis


Times & Locations

Lecture: Sunday 14-17, Main Bld. 716
Tutorial: Sunday 18-20, Main Bld. 714
TA reception hour: Monday 12-13, Jacobs 102 (please coordinate by email with the TA)

Course Materials

Syllabus & Lectures booklet: here
Operating system design, the XINU approach: part I (covered), part II (not covered)
Protection, parts 3 and 4: here
  1. Tutorial 1: Operating System Calls
  2. Tutorial 2: Processes, semaphors, messages
  3. Tutorial 3: Process Management
  4. Tutorial 4: Scheduling, synchronization
  5. Tutorial 5: Memory Management
  6. Tutorial 6: System management, clock
Additional Links:
  1. How to compile a XINU program: here
  2. How to change XINU: here
  3. XINU Windows installer: here
  4. Turbo C Windows installer: here
  5. On UNIX commands and man(ual): here

Homework Assignments
