CRI Doctoral Forum Lecture, 2008-2009

Bernard Ries
Columbia University, soon moving to Univ. of Warwick)
Tuesday Sept. 1, 2009

On graphs that satisfy local pooling


Efficient operation of wireless networks and switches requiresusing simple (and in some cases distributed) scheduling algorithms. Ingeneral, simple greedy algorithms (known as Greedy Maximal Scheduling -GMS) are guaranteed to achieve only a fraction of the maximum possiblethroughput (e.g., 50% throughput in switches). However, it was recentlyshown that in networks in which the local pooling conditions aresatisfied, GMS achieves 100% throughput. A graph G = (V;E) is said tosatisfy the local pooling conditions if for every induced subgraph H of Gthere exists a function g : V (H) -> [0, 1] such that the sum of all g(v)over all v in S equals 1 for every maximal stable set S in H.

We first analyze line graphs and give a characterization of line graphsthat satisfy local pooling. Line graphs are of interest since theycorrespond to the interference graphs of wireless networks under primaryinterference constraints. Finally we consider claw-free graphs and give acharacterization of claw-free graphs that satisfy local pooling.

This is joint work with Berk Birand, Maria Chudnovsky, Paul Seymour, GilZussman and Yori Zwols.

Martin Charles Golumbic