Computer Science Colloquium, 2003-2004

Mor Peleg
Department of Management Information Systems, University of Haifa
March 10th, 2004

Modeling Clinical Guidelines: Challenges and Solutions

The modeling of systems is an important step in system development. It facilitates communication between system developers and users, increases the understanding of the system under development, and enables testing, simulating, and analyzing system structure and behavior. Many modeling methodologies exist for developing software systems. Modeling of bio-medical systems involves challenges that go beyond modeling of standard software systems. The challenges include, among others, the ability to represent, in human-readable and machine-interpretable manner, large amounts of complex data and knowledge that is unstable and undergo changes. The data and knowledge are complex because they have different characteristics, come from different resources, follow different naming conventions, are often vague, uncertain, or incomplete, and are encompassing different levels of granularity. I will discuss the challenges in modeling one kind of bio-medical system, namely, clinical guidelines, and the way in which those challenges are being addressed.

Shuly Wintner
Last modified: Wed Jan 28 10:15:41 IST 2004